32: What Does Anyone Know

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"And what does anyone know about traitors, or why Judas did what he did?" - Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea


"Our clever friend here has been whispering to Jerry," Martin said, his eyes comprised of flames as they glared at Brigitte. Juliette's heart dropped.


"After you left she slipped out to 'go to the toilet' and Will caught her contacting the SS. They're coming here right now to take us in. No doubt that's how the other team got caught."

A chorus of curses rang out across the room before Alex jumped into action. "Gather everything. Everyone on me. You're coming with us," he directed the last part at Brigitte. She looked up from where her arms were shielding her face like a spooked animal. Juliette couldn't even look at her.

"Are there any safe houses left that you haven't ratted out?" Alex hissed at the French woman, who nodded quickly and scrambled to her feet.

Martin clicked the safety off of his gun and pointed it at her. "If you're lying to us, you're dead. Do you understand? One hint that the Germans know where to find us and you'll die the most slow and painful death I can manage."

"I am not lying. I promise," Brigitte stammered out. Her eyes were downcast whilst tears streamed down her cheeks, whether from guilt or fear Juliette didn't know.

The group left the apartment building directly, exiting through the back door and keeping to the shadows, a locked and loaded gun pressed firmly against Brigitte's back. The French woman led them silently through the streets to a small semi-detached house and unlocked it, rushing in and waiting for them in the living room.

Tom and Will watched the windows after having locked the front door, Alex checking everything to make sure there were no listening devices or hiding Nazis. Martin grabbed Brigitte by the shoulders and shoved her into an armchair, pressing his gun to the centre of her forehead.

"What have you told them, then? Come on, don't be shy. You certainly weren't when you were snitching to the Boche."

Brigitte was visibly quivering, her bottom lip wobbling as crocodile tears spilled relentlessly down her cheeks. "I am sorry. I did not know what I was doing. I -"

"Oh, that's brilliant. You didn't know what you were doing. An accident then, was it? That the entire team before us gets caught in one fell swoop and before we can even do anything a radio transmission from your safe house alerts the Germans about the presence of spies." Martin bent down until he was at eye level with her. His eyes became menacing. "I won't ask you again. What have you told them?"

"I don't - I don't -"

"Brigitte!" Juliette snapped, and the woman looked at her in shock. Jules met her stare with freezing eyes, daring the woman to test her. She didn't.

"I have told them of some of the Resistance operatives. I didn't mean to! I couldn't help it! You do not know what it is like to live like this! You do not know what they can offer!"

"What else?" Jules cut her off, her gaze unfaltering.

"They know where some of the Resistance cells operate, but I have not told them of them all. They know of some safe houses - but not this one! I swear it to you!" She sobbed desperately when Martin pressed the gun against her forehead with renewed fervour. "They will not come here. They do not know of it, I am certain."

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