ch11 - bloody nose

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"I don't know anymore." I complain.

"Really, nothing?" Mai questions.

"Nope, I've got no ideas. I think my last art piece sucked all the inspiration out of me." I stare at my blank paper and the pencil hovering above it in my hand.

"Well," Mai shifts her focus from her struggling friend back to her art. "just, I don't know. Go for a walk or something."

"But is too cold outside."

"Well, do you have any better ideas?"

"Mai is right," Kaori pipes in, "Getting your blood flowing helps a lot when you're stuck."

"It's not gonna flow in this weather," I mummer to myself as I reluctantly pull my coat on, "It'll freeze."

The cold air hits me, dry and crisp. The first thing I spot when I step out side was a small, orange hair boy, chasing after a loose volleyball that managed to get outside.

"HI, HINATA!" I yell as I run over to greet him.

"Hey, (l/n)! Whatcha doing here?"

"I was trying to make art, but I got stuck. So I deiced to go for a walk."

"Oh? You make art?" He seemed very interested in that fact.

"Yes, I like to paint. I just finished a piece and now I have no inspiration left."

"Can I see it!?" He asked me with glistening eyes of excitement.

"Um, sure we put it up in the school," I explain, "I can show you-"

"HINATA, GET BACK HERE! DID YOU RUN OFF?" The coach hollers.

"I guess another time then." I offer.

"Yes! I want to see it."

"Say, can I check out the practice?" I quickly ask before he runs off. He turn to me with a quizzical expression, "You know, for inspiration. For art." I quickly add.

"Sure, but if coach kicks you out, it's not my fault." He says as he heads back into the gym. 

I follow Hinata into the gymnasium. Immediately I spot a ball flying right at me. I attempt to doge it, but the spin of the ball makes it curve and nail me hard in the face, even after my doge. I stumble a bit due to the force and trip over myself, landing on my butt.

"Ouch." I bring my hands to my face to feel for anything broken. A spark of anger goes off inside of me as I hear someone laughing.

"Nice serve." The laughing voice sarcastically says to whoever served the ball.

"TSUKISHIMA!" The coach yells. The laughter stops. My ears perk up at the recognition of the name. "Could you accompany this young lady to the infirmary?"

"But I didn't-"

"Now," The coach says in a harsh tone, "please."

I hear audible grumbling from the boy as he heads in my direction.

"Come on, get up."

I take my hands off my face, now that I'm sure nothing is broken. Pushing myself off the ground I comment. "Not gonna offer me a hand or anything?" I dust off my uniform skirt and look to the tall volleyball player in front of me. "Ah, it's you."

"Oh, you." He rolls his eyes and heads for the gym exit. The wrong exit. He doesn't know where he's going.

"Um, lost kitten," I tease, he glares at the use of the nickname he had called me, "Infirmary is this way." I head out the opposite exit, he follows.

I begin making my way to the infirmary. Why do I even need to go? My face is ok. I'll just get some ice, my face still kinda stings. Tsukishima break the silence with a small chuckle.

"Whats so funny?"

"Nothing, just replaying the ball nailing you in the face in my head. It was so funny that my face hurt from laughing."

"It's not that funny, geez." Thinking about it though, it was kinda funny. If it happened to anyone else, I'd probably be laughing too. I glance over at the boy, I caught him looking at me too. But then I noticed something.

"You must've got hit pretty hard because-"                                                                                                   "What are you, a pervert? because-"

"Your nose is bleeding."

We both stop dead in our tracks and face eachother, wide-eyed. I bring my hand to my nose to catch the dripping blood. He's doing the same.

"B-but, you never got injured." I say in a distant voice as the dots connect in my head. "You don't have any nose bleeding conditions, do you?"

"None that I know of." We both freeze. The same conclusion drawn in both our minds. My hand immediately goes to feel my pocket, then the other. Looking for a pen, pencil, anything. He's doing the same. We both turn up empty. We stare at eachother, searching for an answer.

He holds out his hand in front of him, as if wanting to compare hand sizes.

I go to put my up hand to his. My hand hovers for a second before bringing my hand into contact with his.

A hand. One in mine. I gasp, looking into his eyes. Feeling of his hand on mine. Palm to palm, fingers to fingers. His fingers where longer than mine, his palm bigger too. His entire hand taking over mine. Texture of his calluses and the heat from his hand. It always all so familiar. The tears run faster. Joy fill me. An uncontainable smile takes over my lips. He's smiling too.

He chuckles. "Wow, you of all people."


"I've finally found you." He quickly pulls me into a tight embrace, as if when he let go I would be gone. I'm simply overwhelmed.

"Hey, Tsukishima."


"I really hate to ruin the moment, but our noses are still bleeding."

"Oh, right." Stepping out of his embrace was like stepping out of your warm home into the cold. I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms again. My hand goes back to catch the falling blood. Luckily for him my head was turned when hugging him, so he's got no blood from my nose on his clothes. We continue our walk to the infirmary. His hand softly brushes against mine. I grad his hand before he could pull it away. Our fingers intertwine.

I give a small chuckle, "We go from sarcastically picking on eachother to this." I point out, "What a 180."

"Ya, I'm sorry about that." He apologizes, "I guess-I guess I'm just like that?"

"It's ok," I reassure, "I'm kinda like that too."

"Not when I first met you."

"Ah, well... to be honest, I though you where pretty handsome," I explain as I feel my cheeks heat up, "I tried to make a good impression on you. Even though you were so rude."

I see a smirk grow on his face. "You think I'm handsome?"

"Oh, look! We're here!" I stop in front of the infirmary doors. I turn to him with a grin, "How convenient." I go to open the door, but I'm stopped.

"Hey." Tsukishima turns me to face him.


"I never got you name yet."

"Oh, you haven't. Its (l/n), (f/n)."

"(f/n)," My name rolls off his tongue, "I like it." 

{alternative chapter title: ch11 - lost, part 3}

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