Chapter Two

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As Lieutenant Anderson left after grabbing him by the collar and forcing him on a glass panel, Connor straightens his appearance by fixing his slightly creased collar and adjusting his tie.

He had tried to improve his relationship with the Lieutenant but in the end, the said man had remained hostile towards him. He was about to follow but was ultimately stopped by the captain.

"Connor, my office!"

He entered the office again but this time around the Captain was in a somewhat better mood than when he had been with the Lieutenant.

"Do you need something, Captain?"

"You see that woman over there?"

Captain Fowler pointed to a desk far back, there sat a woman in a desk with h/l h/c hair, black bomber jacket, dark blue jeans, and combat boots. She was handling paperwork with Officer Wilson and also typing on her desk.

"That's Detective Y/n Anderson, take her with you when you investigate the next android related case. Give me a report about her performance after that."

"Understood. Will that be all?"

"Yes, you can go now."

Connor then exits the office and walks over to where Detective Anderson was, once he was close enough he scanned her face to get more information about her.

Born: mm/dd/2011 // Police Detective
Criminal record: None


The words flashed in front of him as he approached her.

"Detective Anderson, my name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife."

She looked up and he saw e/c eyes look at him, she slightly tilts her head and he took this as a sign of confusion.

"What can I do for you?"

"Captain Fowler told me that the next time we have a case related to an android we take you with us."

"Really now?" she stood up with a smirk on her face and Connor deduced it as excitement.

"Yes, we received new information about an AX400 that attacked its owner last night and we're going to investigate it right now."

"I see... Did the Captain say anything else?"

Connor decided between not telling her about the report or informing her about it, he chose the latter in hopes to build a somewhat neutral relationship with her.

"Yes, the Captain also said that I should report your performance after."

"Huh... The Captain's testing me? Well, let's see how it goes then."


The two walk outside to where Lieutenant Anderson was waiting impatiently, his brows slightly raised and Connor noticed the decrease in his hostility upon seeing his daughter. He also noticed the slight discomfort in his body language as well as the Detective's.

"Uh... What're you doing here?" Lieutenant Anderson asked a bit awkwardly and Y/n spoke in the same manner.

"Cap told me to assist. Don't worry, I won't be a burden."

"You're not..." the Lieutenant paused and then sighed in annoyance, "whatever, just get in the car."

Connor saw the hesitation in the Lieutenant and the frown on the Detective's face, it made him realize that the Lieutenant did not have the best relationship with his daughter.

Change (A Connor x Reader story based on Detroit Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now