Chapter Eight

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NOV 8TH, 2038
PM 04:00:26

Connor had not seen Y/n in almost two days and she didn't report her attendance at the police station either. There had been no new reports of any incidents with deviants so he had no reason to call her or look for her though a part of him did.


He spent the entire time thinking of what had happened and analyzed all possible situations related to it; why it had happened, what triggered it, was it only an accident or fully intentional?

Connor had an idea as to what the reason was based on his own thinking but, as an android designed to accomplish his mission, he tried to remove all further thoughts since it was not related to the ongoing investigation.

He tried, though it kept coming back to him.

His perfect memory also became a problem as everything he memorized about her was playing on his head, it was unneeded information and yet he had it. Their conversation the night at the bridge was the one that kept playing the most and he remembered the feeling of her lips.

That seemed to confuse him more.

He continued this routine of trying to not think of her and failing for the majority of his idle time until he was sent to the zen garden to have another meeting with Amanda.

This time around, they took a boat ride and Connor found himself wondering if Y/n would enjoy a boat ride too. He listened to Amanda talking and although he could process everything in their conversation his train of thought was not on it.

He would answer her questions based on what happened the last time he encountered a deviant and, although Amanda was not happy with the results, Connor didn't seem to mind.

"You seem... lost, Connor. Lost and perturbed..."

"I thought I knew what I had to do... but now I realize it's not that simple..."

"You had your gun trained at those deviants at the Eden Club. Why didn't you shoot?" he answered sincerely which seems to have displeased Amanda.

The memory of the two deviants came back to him and he remembered the same sensation of Y/n's hand on his shoulder and him placing his hand on hers.

"I don't know..." he answered truthfully as he remembered Y/n's smile that night.

"If your investigation doesn't make progress soon, I may have to replace you, Connor."

Connor didn't like the sound of that.

All possibility of reconciling with Y/n or talking with her would cease to exist if he were to be replaced so he needed to be confident that he can solve it if he were to fix whatever his relationship with Y/n was; he knew the both of them had to solve it.

"I know I will succeed. All I need is time," his answer seemed to have appeased her a little.

"Something's happening... Something serious. Hurry, Connor. Time is running out."

As Connor opens his eyes again, he sees a report of a deviant case that had just happened in Stratford Tower. He quickly analyzed the report and seeing as he's finally going to see Y/n again, Connor's LED spun yellow as he thought of her.

He got himself a taxi heading to the station, wondering if she had changed in the short time they were apart.


Y/n had not gotten any decent rest after the incident in Eden Club and the park, due to the rain and the sudden snow she had caught a cold which made her file for sick leave. It was perfect timing though, as she didn't want to see Connor or be around him.

Change (A Connor x Reader story based on Detroit Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now