Chapter 1- Beginning of All Things

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A young man in blonde hair which dyed in red because of blood of the enemy ninja and his own knelt amongst the rubble and pile of dead bodies. He looked around only to see a barren wasteland with nothing left. 

He had fought real hard with Kaguya and finally defeated it. 

He lost too many lives within a day; too many sacrifices, too many blood has been spilled. But for what? 

I wonder what am I fighting for... It's no longer about winning or losing, or even live or die. A chain of hatred is always there. Now, here I am still alive yet not alive. 

He limped to a nearby tree which stood still in the middle of everything. He sat down under it ignoring all the blood and wound he had. He closed his eyes. He wanted to think that this was all just a dream and when he opened his eyes again, everything would be back to normal. 

'Kit,'said a demon fox's voice faintly inside the man's mind.

There was no answer from him. It was so eerily quiet.

The fox now yelled in a much louder tone and a bit commanding. 

'Kit! Don't you dare close your eyes!'

After a minute of silence, finally the man spoke inside his mind to the fox.

'...Why? Are you afraid that once I closed them I would never open them again?'said the blondie man with a little dry half-chuckle which followed by a coughed of blood.

'Kit! Don't scare me like that. You'll be alright, kit. I will heal you, I always will.'

'Thank you...'said the blondie. A pause followed for several heartbeats. 'This time, don't heal me. I'm too tired of every...thing. Let me rest, please...'

It was more like a pleading. 

His once bright blue eyes became duller and duller losing the light in them. His wound was heart wrecking to see. He got a deep cut on the leg and stomach. He lost yet another arm. His neck got a nasty wound on it. His head was bleeding badly. His internal bleeding was even worse. However, he was just too tired to try to live. 

'Naruto...don't lose hope'

'...Why? There was nothing left here, Kurama... Nothing. My sensei was gone, my best friends were gone, my village...'he didn't continue with his words. 

Once again, silence hung in the air. Both had lost for words. 

Naruto turned his dull blue eyes to the broken figure lying only a few feet away; a dead body of his fallen friends which was more like an ugly crippled doll. He scoffed at this. He was too drained to even cry for his comrades. His tears were all used up till he couldn't feel anymore. 

I never thought my last moment will be like this. Drowning in blood and dead. Very laughable.

Hoarse coughed disrupted the heavy surroundings. 'Kurama, I can feel our chakra is slipping away.'

The fox didn't reply, and under normal circumstances, Naruto would've been worried that the demon fox had taken over his body. However, he was too exhausted to even speak. 

'Kit, did you forget that  you are a Fuuinjutsu Master?'

Naruto waited for the continuation of his words but the demon fox didn't say another thing.

Naruto rolled his eyes tiredly and said, 'I'm not in the mood for the riddle.'

A growl reprimanded him. 'Stupid brat! You have this very complex seal that you had been working on over the past years after your godfather was killed! 

Naruto blinked dumbly at this realization. He recollected all the hazy memory he had about the complex he had made after Jiraiya had died. He locked himself inside his apartment doing whatever he could to reverse the event. He was blinded by grief and didn't think straight during that period. After a month went on, he finally put down his experiment on the seal for he realized his mistakes. He could reverse the event, but he could also change the future for better or worse. 

'I know you didn't do it in the end that time. However, I think this is the right time to use that seal,'the demon fox said carefully to Naruto who was remained still. 'Remember kit, time is paradox and really fragile. One mistake and you could change everything, either the event will turn to worse and much faster or it will turn to be better. Time does not like being tampered with.'

'Do you mean I will still be in my 26 years old body? And that I will retain all my memories and abilities?'

'Yes, but you cannot have two Narutos in the same timeline,'the demon fox reminded.

Naruto nodded absently and quickly drew the seals with his tongue. He bit his tongue to let blood flowed out and started drawing the seals. 

A soft growl from the fox could be heard. 'You do understand, right kit? You-'

'I know. But there's nothing to lose. Besides, I don't think I really mind'He said disinterestedly. 'All I care is to give a better future for my friends so I need to change this doom day. No, I will change it'Naruto thought fiercely. 

However, suddenly Naruto paused what he was doing and asked his demon friend. 'But Kurama, are you alright with it?'

Kurama scoffed at his jailer's comment. 'Huh! Screw that! I lived long enough. I'm with you whenever you are.' 

Naruto made a genuine smile to his furry demon fox. It had been a while since he felt this kind of warmth. 

'In what event do you think this seal will take us?'Naruto thought deeply as he continued on with the seals. 

'Well, a decade, maybe a little more than that, maybe a little less. I honestly don't know since I've never seen nor tried this seals. I bet no one has, even Naras the genius couldn't pull this up'a devilish smirk curved on the demon face. 'Let's just hope we didn't end up way too far behind or we cannot really do anything that can change the future.'

Not wanting to break the blondie's concentration, Kurama stopped speaking and let Naruto did what he left to do. Finally done with the seals, Naruto threw the very question to the fox.

'Are you ready?'

Kurama nodded slightly before pulling out his red Kyuubi chakra while Naruto focusing on the seal. Chakra and the seal flared up around him. He forced his remaining chakra to make the seals worked properly. 

The world around him started spinning before finally an invisible force blasted him away engulfing him with darkness. 

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