Chapter 6 - Team 7

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Naruto was chatting happily with Akira when suddenly a pink hair kunoichi smacked Naruto in the head and a yelled could be heard.

"You're late, Naruto!"the kunoichi snapped.

Naruto winced and scratched his head. "I brought you breakfast, Sakura."He then gave a ramen bag to the pink hair kunoichi named Sakura.

"But Kakashi-sensei specifically told us not to,"Sakura said but still accepted the bag. She then realized that there was another person beside Naruto. Soon, her green forest eyes gazed at Akira curiously. "Who is this, Naruto?"she asked.

Those green eyes suddenly sent a rush of painful memories through Akira's mind. He sighed and tried his best not to look at her.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce you. This is Hasegawa Akira; my new neighbour,"Naruto brightly introduced.

Akira made a small nod and smiled to Sakura.

Not far from there, a pair of black eye was assessing Akira carefully. Seeing that, Naruto then shouted,"Sasuke-teme! Come here and eat your breakfast. And stop that look. It's rude."

The raven hair just kept his emotion inside, ignored Naruto and walked to where Akira stood. He glanced cooly at Akira and asked bluntly,"Who are you?"

Naruto scowled at his raven teammate. Although it sounded rude, Akira was used to Sasuke's personality, he then replied without being offended. "Hasegawa Akira. As Naruto has told you, I'm his new neighbour."

Not trusting the man, Sasuke then walked back to his place. Naruto threw the bag to Sasuke and in a reflex move, Sasuke caught it. "Just east the damn ramen, you teme."

He didn't spare Naruto a single word and just sat back without eating the ramen. However, his stomach kinda betrayed him. It made a loud noise that couldn't be missed by Naruto.

"What are you waiting for? Eat!"Naruto said to both of his teammates.

"Idiot, I told you that Kakashi-sensei forbid us to eat,"Sakura spoke to Naruto.

"But Hasegawa-san said it's okay,"Naruto pouted."Besides, where is Kakashi-sensei? Still not here, correct? Then, it's okay to eat. Isn't that right, Hasegawa-san?"

Akira sweatdropped at that. He felt that he was responsible for all of this. He then explained,"If you want to start a day, you need to have the energy first. Since Hatake-san is going to be late, you will have the time to digest your breakfast. It's not hurt to eat."

Hearing that, Sakura got brighten sup but soon that cheerfulness was gone as she muttered,"I'm on a diet..."

That mutter didn't go missing through Akira's ears. He sighed and said,"You are a kunoichi. You shouldn't go on a diet. Your training will burn the calories right away. If you are on a diet, you will lack the energy to do anything, even a single training will make you tired." He paused for a while and continued on,"Besides, you are still growing. It is natural to have baby fat here and there. Don't worry too much. You will grow to be a fine lady."

Sakura darted her eyes on the floor as she shyly asked,"Is that true?"

Akira replied shortly,"I'm sure."

Sasuke too started eating after hearing Akira's explanation. He felt that he didn't have his usual power when he didn't eat today.

"Well, I'd better get going then Naruto. It is nice to meet all of you,"Akira said.

Please ask me for advice. Please ask I can change the future...Akira chanted. 

Akira was walking a few feet away when Naruto suddenly said, "Hasegawa-san! you probably have any advice for us? We kinda a newbie with all of this. Well, I know you are a traveler, but I'm sure you have been battling bad guys and stuff. So..."

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