Chapter 2

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Edward's POV

''Thank you Mr. Reed for helping our school. We are very honored and grateful.'' I rolled my eyes as he can't see me over the phone. I do this just because my fiancee attends your school.
''No problem Mr. Smith. I'm glad that I can help.'' I shut down the phone no bothering to say goodbye. He was being noisy anyway.

I'm Edward Reed known as a billionare of NYC. I have a daughter named Sofia and unfortunately she doesn't have a mother. Her biological mother is a whore that I slept with once. She left Sophia after she gave birth to her and I payed her a money to not see her again.

I wanted to give a mother to Sofia so I agreed to arranged marriage. I get to know my fiancee's parents through a friend. When I saw her picture, I wanted her. She seemed bubbly and kind and I thought she would be perfect mother figure to Sofia.

When I bumped into the girl in a school, I didn't expect her to be my fiancee. She is actually gorgeous in reality. I also loved her voice when she apologized. I shouldn't be attracted to a girl that is younger 17 years but something says that I should take care of her.

My phone rang and I saw Sofia's nanny calling. I picked up a phone worried that something happened to Sofia.

''Hello Sir?''
''Hello Mary?''
''Sir Sofia wanted to talk to you.''
''Okay. Hand her a phone.''

I heard some shuffling before Sofia's voice spoke.
''Hi daddy!'' She giggled.
''Hi princess! Why did you want to call me? Did something happened?''
''No, it's fine. I miss you. When will you get home?'' I know she looks sad by the sound of her voice.
''I have something to finish then I will get home and then we can play together okay? But you must be a good girl to Mary.''
''Okay. I will wait for you. I love you daddy. Bye.''
''I love you too. Bye.''

I hung down the phone and sighed. It's always like this. I really need to get married. She is already big and she understands everything except the part about her mother because I never told her about that whore.

I returned to work on some papers as I got another phone call. I will seriously brake this phone. I picked up the phone already annoyed.

''Hello Mr. Reed. I'm calling regarding Anna.'' Man voice said over the phone. Who is Anna? He probably noticed my silence when he continued.
''Your fiancee. I'm her father.''
''Okay. Is there a problem?''
''We told her about your marriage and she is not very pleased. So I thought maybe we could arrange a meeting.''
''Yes, sure. Just a second.''

I looked over to my schedule to see that Friday afternoon is clear.
''So the Friday afternoon is alright?''
''Yes. I will inform her about it. Goodbye.''

Now I have to deal with her. She will learn her place if she has an attitude. I'm not the person to punish but if I have to I'll punish her for being bitchy.

I continued fixing papers and fortunately nobody called again. It was getting late and I promised to Sofia that I will come home to play with her. I finished last papers and exited my office.

When I came home, Sofia ran to me and hugged my legs. I smiled and picked her up.

''Hello princess.''
''Hi daddy. Are we going to play now?''
''Yes we are. But I need to go change my clothes okay? Will you wait for me?''
''Yes.'' She giggled. I kissed her cheek and put her down. She ran to her playroom immediately.

I went in my bedroom and changed in a sweatpants and white T-shirt. I was tired but I couldn't take down a promise I made to Sofia so I hurried in her room.

We were playing tea party. She really loves tea parties even if there is no tea. I just love her so much. She is the best thing that ever happened in my life.

''Have you been good today with Mary?''
''Yes. She gave me cookies for reward.''
''Really? I'm happy to hear that.''
''Daddy, can I ask you something?''
''Whatever you want.''
''When is mommy going to come?''

I got used to this but now I have different answer for her. She will be happy because of this.

''I will soon bring mommy home. You can wait for her a little bit longer, right?'' She squealed and hugged me.
''I can wait for her.''

She pulled away and sat in front of me.
''Is she pretty?''
''Very pretty.''
''I can't wait to play dolls with her and draw pictures with her.'' Her eyes were wide and sparkling as she was talking about my fiancee.
''Does she like to bake?''
''Probably. We will find out, but now is time for bed.''

I picked her up and put her in her princess bed. I started reading her a story but she was out on the second page. I pulled her pink duvet over her and kissed her forehead.

It's been a long day today and I just wanted to sleep. I was glad that she liked the idea of getting a mother. It's only important that she is happy.

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