Chapter 22

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Anna's POV

I felt someone stroking my stomach when I decided to open my eyes. I rubbed my eyes to get a normal vision then noticed Edward already awake with his hand on my pregnant belly.

I was sleeping in sports bra and shorts to be comfortable. He looked at it in awe and caressed my belly slowly. I kissed his cheek and he looked at me quickly. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

''Good morning my baby mama.'' He hugged me tightly.
''Morning baby daddy.'' I giggled.
''You look beautiful with the baby bump.'' He complimented.
''You are not gonna said that when I'm going to look like a whale in three months.'' He chuckled.
''No I won't actually. You are going to be sexier when your bump gets bigger.'' I blushed at his comment.

''Let's go take a shower.'' He said and got up. I followed him when he scooped me in his arms. We went in the bathroom and took shower then brushed our teeth. It was still early and I needed to get ready for college.

I got dressed in my new pants that I bought few days ago, because my old ones aren't fitting me, and loose shirt. I put on my sneakers and took my backpack.

I went to Sofia's room to see her waking up. She smiled when she saw me and got up from the bed. I always find it amazing how she got used to her morning routine so fast. She immediately went in the bathroom while I was picking her clothes.

After I dropped her off to the kindergarten, I drove off to my college. I found Isa already sitting in the classroom where our first class is supposed to be.

''Hi baby mama.'' She squealed as she hugged me.
''Hi Isa.''
''You are not going to believe what I'm going to tell you.'' She said seriously. Now she got me scared. Is it about midterms?
''What?'' I ask.
''There is one hot guy...''
''Oh my God! I thought it will be about exams.'' I breath out putting my hand on my chest.
''I'm not even thinking about it, girl. So let me continue.''
''Okay, go.''
''So there is one hot guy that likes you.'' I raise my eyebrows in surprise.
''I found out he is going to ask you on a date.'' She said.
''Wait what? Does he not see my pregnant belly?''
''Maybe he doesn't care that you are pregnant.''
''I have a husband. Does no one told him that?''
''About that....I don't know.'' She shrugged. I wanted to say something but professor coming in the classroom interupted me.

I was curious about that guy. I mean no one ever really told me that they like me, except Edward. If he approaches me, I'm going to politely decline him in that case.

Class was dismissed after hour an a half. I made a deal with Isa to go have a breakfast before another lesson started. We had free hour so we went across the college in small breakfast place where all students were eating.

I ordered toast with banana milkshake. They have great milkshakes and smoothies here. Out of nowhere Isa gasped and touched my leg under the table. I looked up at her confused.

''Here he is. The table in the corner.'' She tried to look unnoticeable but probably whole cafe noticed who was she talking about. I looked over to the table to see some boy looking at me and smiling.

Key word: boy

He had curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes. His had tanned skin and he had dimples when smiling. Whole look is cute, but not my type. He will probably be a good friend.

''He is okay but I would see him as a friend.'' I shrug.
''He is cute tho. I think he is a junior this year.''
''Well why don't you go for him?''
''He is not my type at all. And I already have a boyfriend.'' She smirked.
''Why didn't you tell me?''
''I wanted to make sure before I tell you because we are only dating for a month now.'' She smiled. I could tell she is in love with him already.
''Tell me everything.'' I said excited.
''His name is Brandon Otta. He is CEO of Otta Company where he already took me. I actually met him while waiting in Starbucks. He was so sweet to offer to pay for my drink because my dumbass forgot the wallet at the apartment''

I chuckled at the last sentence but I was really happy for her.
''So how old is he?'' I asked curious.
''Older.'' She chuckled nervously as she took a sip from her smoothie.
''It can't be that bad. My husband is 17 years older than me and I learnt to accept it.'' I smile softly.
''I will tell you but please don't judge me, because I like him as a person, his age really doesn't matter to me. He is really sweet and nice to me. We really have a great bond and everyth-.''

''Isa, I won't judge you. You didn't judge me when you found out I'm married and pregnant at the age of 18. I'm just curious.'' I smile encouraging her.
''He is actually 38 years old.''
I laughed at her face. She looked so cute with her scared face. Like a little puppy.
''Why are you laughing at?'' She asked me whining in amused way.
''You face got me for a second. I'm really happy for you my friend. I wish you good luck but just some quick advice from me because I already have that one at home.''

She looked at me in excitment.
''Older men are more wiser. Maybe he won't show his intentions right away so don't trust him blindly. That was in my case also.'' I smirked. She made an ''o'' shaped mouth.
''Thanks sis.'' She smiled and slurped her drink.

She was talking about her boyfriend so sweetly and it only reminded me of Edward. I miss him already.

We were finished with the breakfast and paid for the bill. Just when we crossed street that curly boy stopped me. I looked at him surprised.

''Hi.'' He smiled.
''My name is Dylan. I wanted to ask you if you would go with me on a date?''
''I see that you are really nice guy Dylan, but I'm really sorry. I have a husband.''
''You do?'' Now he is the one who is shocked.
''And he is her baby daddy.'' Isa said caressing my stomach.
''Oh I'm really sorry. I didn't know you are married. I just though that you are nice and wanted to get to know you.'' His face held concern and guilt.
''It's fine. We can be friends.''
''Sure.'' He looked relieved and hugged me.

I was happy that I made a new friend. I walked in the college with Isa and went to our next lesson. Today has been full of surprises which made it interesting.

Around two in the afternoon I drove off home, but not before picking up Sofia from the kindergarten. After we arrived home, we had lunch and I put her to sleep. I was wondering where was Edward so I went in his office.

He was sitting on the chair and doing some papers. He noticed me and frowned. What did I do now?

''Hello.'' I say as I walked up to his desk.
''Hi.'' He said focusing on the papers.
''Why are you angry?''
''Go ask that little boy who was hugging you.'' He said letting go of a papers and looking over me. I internally chuckled but kept straight face.
''How did you find out?'' I fake gasped. He looked like he wanted to put me six feet under.
''So you don't want me anymore?'' I straddled and kissed him.

He circled his arms around me and pulled me closer.
''Why would I want a boy when I have a man.'' I whispered seductively and kissed his ear. He chuckled lowly and started kissing my neck. He removed my shirt in swift motion.

''Do you know Brandon Otta?'' I ask. He hummed yes while giving my breasts wet kisses.
''Why do you ask?''
''My friend is dating him so I wanted to know if he is good guy.''
Before he responded, he lifted me up on a table and laid me down.
''He is good guy. I went with him on a few dinners as a bussines partner.'' He answered while undressing himself.

After that we were making love on his desk. I swear this man can make me feel the best. I just love him so much. As a good friend I wanted to make sure that my friend deserves the best.

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