Chapter 4-Amongst one's own kind

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- Please...gods no... Please... Please no...

The sobbing was heart wrenching, despite the serenity and peacefulness of the surrounding. Haru found himself standing in lakeside meadow, near the edge of a great forest, its great arms waving with each tender sweep of the caressing winds, while the grass beneath his feet swayed in harmoniously. Up above, the sun shone its life giving rays down, making the surface of the lake and the damped grass glistened like crystals. Yet the sobbing persisted, echoing from a crouching dark figure at the water edge, surrounded by others wearing jet black armors fashioned in the same style.

- him... Please...please...

The sobbing figure, his voice was familiar somehow, he sounded so confused, so weak and full of pain and anguish, that Haru wanted to do nothing more than go nearer and comfort him. The others he couldn't see their faces, shrouded in an unnatural fog underneath their hoods, but the way they all bowing and kneeling so silently suggested that they were also suffering from grief. The leading figure was begging for something, as Haru came to realized when he's gotten closer, along with the fact that he was holding something...bloody. The ground in front of the sobbing man was soaked with blood, the thing, the body he's holding was small, its once snowy white hair was stained with patches of still wet blood. It was a boy, Haru thought, but his face was...blurred, foggy somehow, though every details was still clear enough for him to see, his eyes were still open, violets orbs once so full of life now lifeless and cold as a trail of blood could still be seen trickling down from his slightly parted lips.

- Father, please. - Lucious' voice cut through the anguish wailing much to Haru's surprise, and indeed he was kneel next to the grieving man, his face partially hidden under the cloak. - Please, - He pleaded again. - he's gone, Father, there's nothing you can...

- Shut up! Shut up! SHUT! UP! - The man roared, and Haru turned to look at him, only to see...Quetz, though not the one whom he remembered.

He looked more like the Quetz in his vision more than the one in his memory, well kempt and handsome, decked out in noble jet black armor fit for a god and he lacked the many rips on his long pointed ears. Still, this one came close, as his hair, though still tied in a ponytail, was messy and dotted with patches of crimson, his eyes were wild, dashing between his son and the lifeless boy in his arms. A crimson flower has bloomed in the middle of the boy's chest, vibrant against the dark background that was his elegant black light armor, at its center was a hole, a hideous slash wound stretching from one of his hips to his shoulder blade made it look even more grievous.

- Shut up... - Quetz begged, as he pulled the limped body into his chest to protect him from others in the fashion of a loving embrace. - Shut up... Leave us be... - He continued to beg, pressing his face against the bloody chest of the boy as his voice became softer and quieter, fading gradually along with the scenery into darkness around Haru. - Please...leave us... Please...come back to me... Haku...


Something was moving against him, brushing against his chest and head, pulling him out of that peaceful darkness. It was warm when he has fully regained his consciousness, being wrapped around by something...firm, gentle and familiar. A sudden wave of anxiety washed over him, making him open his eyes to look around with his fearful violet eyes, only to see darkness greeting him with its soothing embrace. His heart began to pound harder and faster as he tried to squirm out, but to no avail, this thing, this person, wouldn't let him go.

- Mm... Haru...

The person holding him moved from the boy's squirming, but not entirely awoken yet, his hot, shaky breath tickling the white haired boy's face. Haru slowly turned his gaze up, brushing his face against the man's chest and neck, he smelled familiar. The white haired boy ran his hands on the man's neck and face, flinching at the stinging sensation from his palms and fingers and found them bound in bandages. Still it brought him some reliefs, realizing that the man lying next to him was Quetz, his presence washed away the anxiety and fear inside Haru, allowing him to rest his head against the man's chest, listening to the soothing beats of his heart. Brushing his lips against Quetz's, Haru let his hands wander again, not minding the tingling on his hands, caressing the white haired man's face gently, pulling himself closer for another deeper...

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