Chapter 8: Unspoken Vow

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The urge to close his eyes was almost unbearable, more than once, the white haired boy has to struggle to pull himself up when he fell asleep. The white haired boy rubbed his eyes tiredly, the gentle rocking of the carriage as it moves, along with the cool temperature in Quetz's chamber made him sleepy. It didn't help that he didn't sleep much last night, kept waking up from horrid nightmares and visions of a bloodied black armored dark elf with snowy white hair, shrieking at him, the gaping wound in his chest pulsated as he did. Haru shivered, just thinking about it alone made him feel like he's being watch, and at any moment, the dark elf from his dream would come howling his vengeful cries at him.

The boy pulled up the window blind, squinting his eyes as soon as the light flooded the small bedchamber. Laying next to him, Quetz growled deeply, curling into a ball more under his blanket, only managed to relax when the boy's hand gently stroked his hair. They've been travelling for at least several hours, the sun was on high, shining down onto the column as they've come closer to the other side of the mountain ranges, as announced by Ginji a while ago, they should get there at high noon, just in time for lunch. A sigh of relief escaped Haru's mouth, as that means he could rest after all of them have had lunch, but until then, he'd have to take care of Quetz.

- Haru... - The white haired man groaned, stretching his arms and legs as he tried to find the boy.

- Keto-san, I'm here. - The white haired boy giggled, holding the man's hand as he slowly opened his eyes to look around.

- How long...did I sleep? - Quetz asked with an exhausted voice.

- Not that long. - Haru smiled, all tiredness seemed to have evaporated from him as he saw his beloved waking up. Leaning down, the teen pressed his lips against the Anacondrai's reddened temple, both from the fever and embarrassment. - Ginji-san said we're almost out of the canyon.

- that so? - Quetz narrowed his amber eyes, his breaths deepened and slowed, before letting out a large yawn. - I'll sleep a bit more then.

Haru simply nodded, before lying down next to the Anacondrai, snuggling into his chest as he felt the older male's wrapped his arm around him. He felt the man moved, sleepy eyes catching glimpses of a long white tail raised up, caressing the frame of the small doorway leading to their small, private retreat, two sliding door closed it up, cutting off the noisy sounds coming from outside. The boy laid his head onto Quetz's outstretched arm, clinging onto the man's shirt and burying his face into his neck, taking in fully the distinct smell of the man, while feeling his beloved's hand gently patting his back. Intertwined in each others' arms, the two of them slowly fell asleep again, a shroud of darkness draped over their minds, ushering them into the unreality of their dreams.

Yet in that darkness, Haru could find no peace, no respite, already he could smell the stench of blood getting stronger and stronger. He heard the sounds of limping, bloodied footsteps on stone floor, each getting closer than the last. His heart pounded as he found himself in the middle of a twisted version of the beautifully majestic throne room he's seen before, great stone pillars covered in intricately carved glyphs now bent and twisted, set randomly like a great dark forest, reaching infinitely into the non-existing ceiling covered in dark mists. The walls, along with every piece of interior furniture were gone, replaced by emptied space, expanding endlessly into every direction. The only thing that still resembled the original throne room was in the distance, its crystalized tendrils spread outward, coiling around twisted columns, illuminated by a bright light shining down directly at the seat and stairs of the throne itself. Somehow, Haru knew that's his only sanctuary in this twisted realm, only it can save him from being hunted by the bloodied dark elf that haunts his dreams.

A gurgling groan echoed from behind him, causing the white haired boy to turned around, seeing silhouette of a broken, small figure not much bigger than himself. The dark elf walked lifelessly, like an ill-handled puppet with tangled strings, each of his steps caused his legs to bend awkwardly, his arms stretched and retracted to balance himself clumsily as he limped from the mists. Blood dripped from the gaping hole on the deceased dark elf's chest, pulsing inside was half of a heart, glowing dimly a deep purple, squirting out black blood. His eyes too glowed, but they were brighter, almost like baleful cinders were placed in his eye sockets, oozing out black slime that joined with the fountaining slime from his mouth, making each sound coming from that maw sounded choked and gurgling. His light armor and the waist cape around his hips were torn and corroded, forming odd growth-like protrusions, making him looked animalistic.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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