17 | Welcome to the Crazies

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Chapter Seventeen: Welcome to the Crazies

"the more time we spend together
the more I wanna say what's on my mind,"
~ jason mraz, meghan trainor


"Fucking hell," were the mumbled words I woke up to. "Shit."

Although I was confused, my eyes stayed shut as I dug my head deeper into the cushion reclining my head. I rolled to my side, causing the blanket to lower to my waist.

A burning sensation on my face caught my attention, followed by a hand touching my shoulder before lowering to my elbow in a slow pace. The touch awoke goosebumps until they gripped the hem of the blanket, lifting it again so it was up to my chin.

Feeling more awake by each passing second, my eyes fluttered open. It took a few seconds before they focused forward, only for me to silently gasp when I saw Liam sitting upright, staring down at me.

His eyes seemed to soften when our gaze locked. "Morning, sunshine," he muttered with a smile.

Instead of replying, I looked around our surroundings as memories from last night came back to me.

Us staring at the stars. Talking about constellations. The last thing I remembered was when I spoke about the Vulpecula and what it was known as. I must have passed out soon after, because memories after that blurred together.

"Hi," I yawned, pushing myself upward so I was sitting. The large trees above us blanketed us from the sun, but some streaks came through, which explained the burning on my face moments before. "What time is it?"

When I looked to him, my brows furrowed when I saw his lips tighten. "Almost eleven. Shit," he sucked in a breath. "I was supposed to be at work at nine."

"Guess it's good you manage it, right?" I chuckled, trying to calm him down. When he didn't, I leaned against the end of the bed of the trunk. "You know what, you're right. You will get fired and work as a male stripper."

My lips pursed as I narrowed my eyes on him playfully. "Maybe you won't be too bad, actually. I heard the pay is good. You'll be fine," I told him, biting back my smile when I saw him crack an amused smirk.

The tension in his shoulders loosened as he shook his head, laughing. "You're something, Bangs," he mumbled, staring at me with mixed emotions.

"I know," I grinned, leaning my head back against the glass that gave me access to peek inside the car. But instead, I kept my focus on him. "Since I came up with the idea, I demand twenty percent of your stripper money."

"Ten," he retorted, narrowing his eyes. But that didn't stop his smirk from displaying itself on his mouth.

"Fifteen," I raised my brows.

He kept his narrowed eyes on me for an extra moment before nodding once. "Deal," he said before widening his smirk. "I would have done it for twenty."

"And I would have done it for ten," I chirped, tilting my head to the side as I smiled sweetly.

Neither of us looked away from the other until we both laughed at the same time moments later. "We should probably get back," he said once we sobered up, staring at me with confusion.

I nodded, but as he continued to stare at me, I frowned. "What?"

He looked around my face before clearing his throat. "Nothing," he said before sliding out of the bed of the truck.

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