24 | Welcome to the Confession

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Welcome to the Confession

"i'm supposed to be in love
but I'm numb again,"
~ rihanna


   I knew I didn't have all the answers. At times, I thought, maybe there was a reason to why he'd have information about me, hidden in a drawer.

   But the longer I thought about it, the more I didn't want to know the truth.

   So, after leaving his house that night, I nearly ran to Sophie's condo complex. Since I was well known, the guy behind the desk let me through, and I quickly made it to her floor before knocking rapidly on her door.

   She opened the door, dressed in the black clothes she typically wore before going to her store. She ended up not going, spending the rest of the night with me, although I didn't explain what happened.

   For the last week, I'd been with Sophie. Working on the haunted house behind the diner was a good excuse to not be in the restaurant. I worked long hours with her, needing a distraction, and I knew that although Sophie was grateful for the help, she wanted me to open up to her.

   I woke up Saturday morning with a pounding heart, sitting upright on my bed. I gasped for air, feeling my eyes sting, flashes of what my dream had been.

   Like the other nights, it consisted of Liam, him hurting me to the point of no return. Every morning, I felt the same pain, and it was worse than any other pain people inflicted on me.

   After giving myself a few minutes to gain some strength, I slid out of my bed and grabbed my robe before tying it around me. Coffee seemed like the most important thing right now.

   Imagine my lack of surprise, however, when I walked out from the hall, only to see one of Chris' conquests sitting on the kitchen counter wearing nothing but his shirt.

   She'd been biting her lips seductively, probably waiting for Chris. When realization hit her, her eyes widened. "Oh... hi," she said slowly.

   I knew I probably shouldn't have taken my anger on her, but right now, I wasn't rational. All I felt was pain and anger.

   "Don't you have any other place to be, besides sitting on my kitchen counter, ass hanging?" I asked blankly, crossing my arms. "Respect that there are other people living here."

   She frowned, but her eyes shined with anger when they met mine. "And don't defend yourself and say you didn't know there were other people here. If you know Chris, you sure as hell know about my mom and I. And my mom is always home, so you must have seen or heard her when you got in," I said, not giving her a chance to speak.

   I knew I was right when she looked to her lap with embarrassment and a clenched jaw. "Now can you get off the counter? Or are you really here for my mom? Don't know if she swings that way but she was always open to trying new things."

   The girl hopped off the counter and was about to walk past me, close to shoving my shoulder. Before she got the chance, I reeled it back and hit her hard, since she decided on getting in my space.

   She hissed something under her breath before stomping the rest of the way to Chris' room. While I walked to the kitchen, I heard her raising her voice, which was muffled from the door.

   As I was finishing up making my iced coffee, I heard a door being pushed open. Readying myself for another argument, I excitedly sat on the counter next to the fridge, watching the hallway being filled by Chris moments later.

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