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"We went too far this time, Nicholas" Theora said solemnly sitting on one of the lounge chairs, on the patio of their bungalow by the beach in Mauritius. They had just arrived and the hotel staff were taking their luggage inside.

"It wasn't just this time, Theora but all the things they've done collectively that caused us to make this decision" Nicholas said as he was tipping the bell boys who brought up their luggage before they left.

"You don't understand! I was never like this I always did as I was told"

"I do understand Theora" Nicholas replied "I had an arranged marriage to that Theora, the Theora who did as she was told, followed the rules, and barely spoke up for herself"

"What are you going on about Nicholas?"

"Oh let me explain agápi̱ mou" Nicholas took a seat next to Theora on the lounge chair taking her hand into his and placing the other around her shoulders.

"The Theora I had an arrange marriage with is very different from the Theora with me today. The Theora I love and am happily married to" Nicholas explained while also placing small kisses on Theora's hands kissing his way up her arm, confusing her even more.

"The old Theora would've never openly challenged me when I treated her like a jerk, the old Theora would have never talked back to her Yiayia when she insisted we have kids, the old Theora is gone. This new Theora is confident, speaks her mind and can make a poor man like me go through hell to find his way to her heart" Nicholas said as his kisses reached Theora's neck making her giggle.

"So I made you go through hell?" Theora tried to pull away from him seeming to be angry

"Can't say I didn't deserve it" Nicholas shrugged pulling her back towards him.

"No you absolutely did deserved it" Theora agreed relaxing into him.

"You know something the old Theora would also never do?" Theora asked him seductively running her finger over his chest.

"What would that be?" Nicholas asked huskily, as his mind had already stopped working.

Theora didn't reply with words and let her actions do the talking, she straddled Nicholas on the lounge chair and started kissing him. Nicholas' hands roamed around her body, making her moan with ecstasy. Nicholas was in the middle of hiking up her dress when Theora's phone rang.

"I think it's Carmen!" Theora said excitedly pushing Nicholas away from her "It's Carmen!"

"Yay" Nicholas said with fake enthusiasm. Theora ignored him and picked up the phone.

"Hey Manny" Theora said cheerfully

"Uh.. Hello, Theora" Carmen replied. Theora's smile instantly turned into a frown, Carmen didn't call her Tiny meaning she was in the presence of Yiayia and their parents and most probably on speaker phone.

"Carmen how is everyone?" Theora asked her voice shaking. Theora could hear a grunt in the background obviously from Yiayia.

"They are fine" sighed Carmen. "Theora Mama, Papa, and Yiayia want me to tell you that they are very upset with you but since you are an adult and capable of making your own decisions they will respect that and keep their distance"

"Keep their distance? What does that mean?"

"It means Tin.. Theora they will no longer interfere in your business and wish you well"

"Are they disowning me?" Theora's voice cracked at the end.

"No they are just giving you space... by not talking to you" Theora heard a cough which probably meant she went off script "I mean giving you more freedom to make your own decisions as an adult"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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