【️ Little Quarreling 】️

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Kaito's POV

It's been about two days now since Makiroll died and I couldn't help blane myself for it. If only I was more careful. If only I had been with Maki more. Maybe just maybe this wouldn't have happened. I have to get everyone out of here. I have to live. For Maki.
My eyes started to tear up but I wiped it in a hurry. I've been trying to find clues.

" Good morning Kaito... " I turned around and saw Shuichi. His eyes droopy and puffy. He didn't seem like he slept well or maybe he didn't sleep at all.

" Good morning Sidekick! " I greeted back with a smile and smack him on the back to smack the drowsiness out of him. He had been with me for the first day of searching for clues since he was worried but sometimes his attention wonders off too much like he was thinking if something else. " are you alright? " We walked towards the dining room while chatting.

" Ah... yeah... I was just... I haven't apologized to Ko—... Ouma yet... that's all... " He weakly spoke head casted down in shame.

" Don't worry about him. He's such a jerk. " I commented. He shook his head.

" No. I forgot about it in the heat of the moment... but that's how he lets out his bottled up frustration. He avoids crying and He... he's true to his words. " Shuichi started to ramble. " I snapped at him and saud such horrible things to him... I was just... " He ruffled his hair frustrated. " I've been thinking whether those memories really are true. "

" Why wouldn't they be? " His opinion made me interested. I looked over to him and saw that he was starting to go to his detective mode.

" Don't you think it's odd? On all those memories even Harukawa's... I never Encountered DICE or him being the supreme leader. All we've seen was his traumas so when was it? When was he kidnapped like all of us? How did he get here? Is he really the mastermind? "

I raised an eyebrow at his question. " Dude. He's the mastermind. He said it himself and he certainly acts as one. "

Shuichi looked over to me with a frown and glare. " He came from a messed up life, Kaito. Ko... I mean Ouma kun is a pacifist. He hates violence as much as he claims he likes it. "

" Then maybe... " My mind went back to Korekiyo's trial and their conversation. " He's actually that thing. Like that Yandere Korekiyo said he is! "

He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
" Not in a million years would Ouma kun prefer Killing over something as petty as love. Based on his personality, he'd certainly be the one initiating moves on the person he likes but he'd never really go so far as to harm them. "

" Then what is a yandere? "

" hmm... They're mostly kind hearted people until they devote themselves to one person due to having strong feelings for them until it becomes an obsession.. I haven't gasped the true meaning of Yandere yet though. It seems somewhat morbid. And no. Ouma kun isn't obsessed with anyone to be called a yandere."

I stared at Shuichi for a while.
That rat could be obsessed with you though... " Then how about you? There's like times where you act obsessively and then turn kinda weird. Are you a Yandere? "

" Of course not. " Shuichi denied with a pout.
" I'm not in any way a yandere. That's offending. "

I nervously laugh and apologized before we started to silently walk. I stole a glance at Shuichi and saw his eyes had a small tint of pink and hardly noticeable spirals. Is he not already after all?
" You know... " I trailed for a moment. " If you have any worries I'm here for you. "

Shuichi gave a small smile but didn't turn to my direction. " Yes. I know. " He hummed. " I just remembered the motive... are we really sure it's over? Cause Monokuma seems so docile right now that it's unsettling like there's something happening that we don't know it. "

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