Chapter Two

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It had been a week and Mikhail still wasn't back, my birthday was in a few days and yet he had not sent word that he would be back in time for it or soon. I pace around my practice room, annoyed with the book that had not seen fit to reveal anymore spells to me. Four more spells for me to learn and then hopefully I would be prepared to deal with whatever was trying to hunt me down. Maybe then Mikhail would finally let me out of here, maybe if I finished the book he would come back. "Pacing helps exactly no one, Val." I ignored Nox's snide remark, while he had been a comforting presence over the last few days, it seemed that now that I could finally hear him, that he couldn't help but say the snarkiest things possible. "Shall we go see what Aengus has prepared for dinner?" I slash my hand through the air, annoyed with him, annoyed with everyone actually.

"No, I am not leaving this room until that book gives up another spell!" I scowl at the book with narrowed eyes, hoping somehow that I could intimidate it into giving me another spell, there was only a few left in the book for god's sake! Why was it trying to hold out on me when it had already shown me most of the spells in its possession already?

"But I'm hungry." I roll my eyes at the whiny tone to his voice, he was being absolutely ridiculous. I glance over at him and see him lying on the floor near the door, looking at me with wide pleading eyes.

"You're always hungry, besides, I gave you a snack," I glance at the clock on the wall, before looking back at him. "What like twenty minutes ago? Don't be such a baby." He growls lightly and curls up, covering his face from me.

"I'm wasting away here!" Air hisses out through my mouth as he finally makes me snap.

"Then go get food by yourself! Leave me in peace!" The room takes on a slight red haze before slowly fading away as I take calming breaths. Nox uncovers his face and looks at me with worry, standing up he walks over to me and butts his head against my hand.

"You know I'm just joking. I'm sorry I upset you Val, and you know that it's not really me who is hungry here right? It's you, I can feel your hunger and your pain, lashing out will solve nothing, Valerie. You know this. So, get it together." His words are harsh but honestly the thing I need to hear. I crumple to the ground like a puppet who's strings just got cut.

"I know, but I can't believe its true, at least not yet. My mind knows he's not coming back and yet my heart still hopes, I just wish this book would give me something to distract myself." I wanted to believe it even if I knew that it was hopeless.

"Meow." A small cat curls up on my lap, I blink at it in surprise, I lift my head up and look around for Nox, where did he go?

"Nox where'd you go? And who is this stupid house cat?" I say aloud, hoping he would be able to hear me from wherever he had disappeared to.

"I'm right here, Val. The stupid house cat is me. Familiars can have multiple different forms depending on the power of their witch, and as you are no weakling, I in turn have multiple different forms. I merely thought this one would be better suited to comfort you." I look down at the rather large, at least for a domestic animal, cat, the spotting and stripes across the chest did hold a vague resemblance to Nox, the cat looks up at me and it is Nox's eyes staring back at me. This was extremely weird.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I just was not expecting that. Wait you said multiple forms, do you have any more?" I look at him eagerly as I stroke him gently, finding it surprisingly calming, Nox was right, this form was a bit more soothing.

He stands up and walks off my lap, turning around he sits and watches me intently, his tail swishing slowly behind him. "I do indeed, but if there is any baby talk, I will never forgive you." I give him a confused look, not understanding what he was talking about. "I am a fierce animal, this form alone is only mildly adequate, my other form is downright disgusting." My expression does not change upon this new information, if only that I grow even more confused.

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