Chapter Eleven

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I put Jim's ashes into a jar, unsure of where else I could put him. The witches bodies were in a pile in the empty warehouse space, I was going to burn them soon. I wasn't sure if it was because I was in shock or because I just didn't know what to do next, but I tidied up the bar as much as I could using magic just as much as my hands. I wasn't sure why really, it wasn't like I was going to open the bar tonight, but it almost felt like for a moment, Jim was here, having gotten the bar ready to be opened but having stepped out or a moment, ready to come back inside at any moment, but no matter how long I waited he never came back inside the bar

"Ah, so it is true, Caius has left this plane of life." I whirl around in surprise, not knowing how I hadn't heard him come in, it was the vampire from before, he was tall with lightly tanned skin, and muscular with black hair and piercing silver eyes. He was the one who warned Jim of what would happen and cautioned me.

"How did you know? Did you warn the witches?" If he had any part in Jim's death, I would kill him.

"No, I did not warn them, I try not to have any contact with witches if I can help it. And as to how I knew he had died, well that is simple really, I sired him, I felt his connection to me wither when he died, it was so strong it woke me from my slumber. I told him this would happen. Traditionally if vampire progeny die before their sire's then their belongs will revert to the one who sired them. Though I do believe that Jim intended to give this place over to you if by some miracle you had both lived through this mess. If you live through this, I will sign this property over in your name." With that last word he disappeared, well maybe not disappeared but moved so fast I couldn't see him leave.

"Fuck!" He had stolen Jim's ashes from me, the scoundrel and I didn't even know his name. I whirl around as I hear the flapping of bird wings, a white tailed kite hawk flew through the broken door window, I lifted my hand, angry enough to kill it for invading my space.

"Stop! That's a familiar." I lower my hand as Nox bounds over to it, shrinking into his adult cat form as he gets closer to it. They stare at each other silently obviously communicating with one another before the hawk regally tilts its chin up and hands over a small envelope that it was clutching in one of its feet. Nox picks it up gently with his mouth and trots it over to me as the hawk flies away with a loud screech.

I pull the envelope from Nox's mouth before opening it, laid out on fancy cardstock is a note addressed to me.

Dear, unknown witch inhabiting the Weary Claw bar, I am Helena Grimhook,                            leader of the Nightshade Coven, I would like to formally invite you to a meeting where we can come to a mutual understanding at the Lotus Lounge, 8pm tonight.

It was just after sunset now, meaning I probably only had an hour or two before the meeting was supposed  to occur, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go. "It could be a trap." They could mean to ambush me with pure force of numbers over my strength.

"It's not a trap, at least I don't believe it is, that was the leader's familiar and she told me that her master is trustworthy. There is always the chance that she is lying, having been asked by her master to do so, but why not go and see, it doesn't hurt to go expecting the best but being prepared for the worst." I crumple the note in my hand, feeling rage over being reminded of Jim's death.

"What if I don't want to come to a mutual understanding? What if I just want to kill the lot of them?" He just huffs at me, butting his head against my arm gently.

"Val, that's not who you are. You may feel justified doing it now, but I know that after that you would feel remorse, it's different when you are defending yourself against someone who attacked first, but if you become the instigator then you are no better then the people who killed Jim." I flinch like he had hit me, and it may not have been physical, but his words provided a severe emotional blow, of course he was right, this wasn't me, it was just the anger clouding my judgement.

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