First Kisses

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Harry POV:

My plan had been on my mind all day.

It only consisted of two steps; but to achieve those two steps would be a lot of work.

1. Get Malfoy to agree to my plan
2. Ask Ginny out

Seemed too simple to be true, which is why it wasn't.

The plan was for Malfoy to teach me how to kiss.

It sounded crazy, getting your enemy, a boy, to teach you how to kiss?

Not only would Malfoy disagree with this plan, he would ridicule me till the day I died.

But I was desperate, and I really wanted to impress Ginny. The past few weeks, I had seen Ginny differently; she always looked so beautiful, and she made me laugh.

Of course, naturally, I wanted to ask her out, but I had no experience, or game and maybe Malfoy could help me? I wasn't one to listen to rumours most of the time, but I had heard Malfoy was a 'ladies man' which would explain why I was waiting in the astronomy tower to talk to him.

Over the past few days, I noticed that he would visit the top of the astronomy tower at the dead of night and just gaze at the stars. Not to sound like a stalker, but I would watch in silence, underneath my cloak of invisibility, to see if he'd do anything else, before returning back to my bed, falling asleep to thoughts surrounded by him.

Now today, I was going to confront him.

The blonde stood, staring at the stars with a concentrated face. I wanted to know what was going on in that busy mind of his, but that wasn't a priority at the moment. Getting Malfoy to teach me how to kiss seemed like a more urgent task.

"I know you're here Potter, what do you want?" Malfoy spoke, making me jump a bit, as he didn't even bother to face me. I took off my cloak, heat rushing into my cheeks as I looked for the right words.

I paused, searching for the best words to use, but none came to mind, so I just blurted out, "I need you to teach me how to kiss". 

And once again Harry, you've made a complete idiot of yourself, in front of your enemy to add to that.

He turned around at this, and to say he had a shocked expression would be an understatement. I tried to think of what I would've said if I was in his position but knowing me, I probably would've agreed to help him.

But this was Malfoy.

If the situation wasn't so random, I probably would've laughed at his face, his mouth hung open and his eyes had widened to the size of buttons.

Instead, I shifted around awkwardly waiting for him to say something. Anything.

"Errr- I - maybe... you know what, I think I'll just shut up." I stuttered.

It would've been better if Malfoy just said no so I could try and convince him. I hated the way he was looking at me with this intense stare. Like he was assessing me to see if I was worth the effort.

Time felt like it had slowed down...and not in the good way.

"Give me one perfectly good reason why I should help you Potter."

Finally. Malfoy's signature sneer was back, and for some reason, relief washed over me. I thought I had broken him for a second there with my bombshell announcement.

"Look Malfoy, I know we have our differences-"

He scoffed at that, rolling his eyes.

"Um right then, I don't really know what to say but I'd do anything if you helped me... Well, not anything but I'll return the favour if you help me."

"Why do you even need thi- Wait. Did you say anything?"

"When I say anything, I mean like I'll do your homework for a month, not jump off this tower. " I quickly elaborated, I was dreading what Malfoy would want.

In fact, I was regretting this whole thing. I'll just ask Ginny out, she wouldn't mind if I sucked at kissing... right? He must've seen the confusion and regret on my face because he decided to break the silence and speak again.

"You know what Potter... I think I'll take that offer," He began, walking closer towards me, backing me against the wall.

"Wait, really?" I looked at him suspiciously. This was the boy who had hated me ever since I declined his handshake when we were 11... and now he was agreeing to help me.

Something was up.

"Yes Potter. Really." He imitated my voice terribly, making me roll my eyes. Typical Malfoy. "You said you'd do anything and anything means everything doesn't it?"

I wanted to interrupt him there, I didn't mean everything, I opened my mouth to disagree but he carried on talking, not giving me a chance to answer.

"I can use it to my advantage in the future. Who knows when I'll need it?" A smirk appeared on his lips as he eyed me up and down. I felt naked under his glance as I looked everywhere except his face.

Regret filled me once again.

Maybe this wasn't the best plan,

maybe I could back out now,

and maybe I could just-

My thoughts went blank as I felt a pair of soft lips collide with mine.

A/N: Hello, I know this is quite a bad opening but I wrote this at 2AM which would explain that. I think this will probably be a short story. Anyways, enjoy reading and don't forget to vote and comment what you think of the story so far! :) 16/06/20

Edit 01/07/20: THIS WAS SO BAD OMG. I'm editing this gross. This chapter's so random like why but i cba to edit it properly so enjoy i guess.

Edited again: 14/08/20

edit: 11/10/20 since my book is acc getting some views uh i decided to edit it once again. hopefully this is the last edit. also thank you for the comments!!! i do read them and thank you for reading :)

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