Chapter 21

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"Did you get M&Ms?" Lexi asked, checking the cart if we got everything on our list.

"I'm glad you said that cause I completely forgot,"

"This is why you should always have someone with you to remind you. You always forget things, Amber. What if one day you don't even know my birthday anymore?" She rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"Pfft. Me? Forgetting your birthday? Never. And I don't forget things all the time, just maybe every other day,"

"Which can be always,"

"Uh nope,"

"Uh yes,"

"Nope, nope, nope. Let's just go to the cashier, ok?" I pushed the cart away from her, but she grabbed me by the collar.

"Don't tell me you forgot the M&Ms again, Amber?"

I offered a sheepish grin before rushing to the chocolate section.


Halloween would be my second favourite holiday. Lexi helped me buy some chocolates and candies for the trick or treat that will happen at 6 pm. I'll be giving them away while Lexi, Kayla, and Lucy will go around to get some.

I used to go trick or treating along with my best friend since we were little, but as I grew up, I realized that I'd rather give candies to the kids and see their faces light up. It always makes me happy to see their missing teeth or their chubby cheeks that turn red when you pinch them.

It was a very cold night. The wind was howling, swaying the fallen leaves on the street. You can hear the rustling leaves in the trees as they sway slowly. Some kids were starting to get out of their houses with their guardians or friends. I was with Lexi who's wearing a scary clown costume with a mask to cover her face. I told her that she didn't need to wear a mask because she looks scary enough. I earned a hard shove from her. And as for me, I wore a Spider-woman costume that I bought 2 years ago, and I was shocked that it still fits me. I didn't bother to put on the mask and just tied my hair into a ponytail.

We walked on our way to Lucy's house to drop my best friend off while I go home after. I didn't know what her costume was and that left me to ponder. We were greeted by Kayla who wore a long black cape with fake fangs.

"Looking hot, babe," Lexi whistled, removing her mask to kiss her girlfriend on the mouth.

"Same to you. You still look hot with that clown costume,"

"Maybe you could bite my neck with that fangs of yours,"

"Mhmm, I will," Kayla purred, moving her head closer to her girlfriend's neck.

"Innocent kid here with innocent eyes and ears!" They stopped what they're doing, realizing that I was there as their faces flushed with embarrassment. "Hi, Amber. Oh hey, Kayla! You look good. Thank you, you look good as well. Why thank you, got this from the kid's section," I added, changing my voice to mimic Kayla as I talked to myself.

"You're so weird. Lucy will be out soon, she just couldn't find her bag."

I moved away from them before I go all invisible again and went in front of the door. I was about to knock but the door cracked open, revealing a very, very beautiful woman.

There she was. Wearing a long black dress with sleeves, her hair was done beautifully with big curls, and of course, her signature red lipstick. I was lost for words. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Why do you always stare at me?" She raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"I'm guessing what you might be," I lied.

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