chapter one

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Ophelia Ross was turning 18. Finally. It felt as though she had been waiting for this day for way longer than just 18 years.

Everyone waited for this day, anticipating the dream that would change their lives forever. This birthday not only marks the beginning of adulthood but also the start of your life with your future soulmate. Most have one, some lucky people had two. Ophelia however, had five.






Although most people found Lia and her many marks odd, she never minded. She knew that she was meant to love these people, and they were meant to love her. They were all made for each other. A few people's backward thinking would never be able to change that in her eyes. Anyways, all the people that were truly important in her life knew and accepted her. No point dwelling on people who didn't matter.

The mini-birthday party was still going strong. Her sisters and their respective soulmates were in the corner, conversing amongst themselves. Her little nieces and nephews were running around the room, high on a sugar rush from the big purple cake and red and green cupcakes displayed in the center of the crowded room. They weaved around chairs and legs without a care in the world. She, however, was blending into the background the best she could in the corner of the room, over-thinking every possible outcome sleep would bring. Trying to distract herself, she checked Twitter for the birthday wishes and promised to stream soon. Her fans seemed content with the promise so she logged out and glanced back up at the party.

Despite this party being in celebration of her, Ophelia couldn't wait for it to end. All she wanted to do was go to sleep. Once she did, she would be able to meet the people she was born to love. 'Provided they have already turned 18,' she had to remind herself.

She didn't want to think about that possibility though. She wanted to meet her soulmates as soon as possible.

"I have never seen anyone so glum on their 18th."

She jumped. She thought she was pretty well hidden in the corner of the room on the couch. 'Pretty hard to blend into the wall when you are the birthday girl,' she supposed. She straightened the crown that fell down her head and huffed.

Andrew sat down next to her on the couch, his matching crown crooked on top of his dirty-blond head and his 6'6 lanky body barely fitting on the small loveseat. He had been her best friend since she moved to Boston when she was 11. He lived next door and his mother sent him over to welcome her family to the neighborhood with her specialty: lava cakes. She and Andrew had immediately hit it off, which she was thankful for when school started and she was the new girl.

Now they were both content creators together, taking up the names NovaXx and Ranboo respectively. It's been a wild ride with him, but worth it in every way.

Funnily enough, today was his 18th birthday too. He, however, wasn't that concerned with his mark. For him, whatever happened, happened. He was happy to just go with the flow. Ophelia was the one who needed everything planned out to a tee.

"You know exactly why I am, Drew." Ophelia sighed as she collapsed further onto the couch she was seated on. She has had this conversation hundreds of times.

"You should enjoy the party. Stop worrying. You'll see them tonight," Ranboo argued, trying to convince Ophelia to engage with the guests, "And if not, you will eventually. That's the beauty of soulmates!"

"I just want to fall asleep now! Just to see!"

"Look around the room," Ranboo said, pausing to make sure she did so. "Everyone here is here to support you, to support us. Appreciate it. The dream will be waiting for you after the party Lia."

"I know that."

"Then show it. Come socialize. Have fun!" Ranboo stood up and held out his hand for her.

Ophelia sighed and got up, taking his hand in her own. She supposed she could party please for a few more hours. After all, there was cake. More importantly, frosting.


Ophelia 'woke up' in a pitch-black room. Usually, the dreams took place in more aesthetically pleasing places, but the first one was always in this room. Ophelia thanked every conceivable force in the universe that she didn't have to wait. She never was that patient of a person.

She rubbed her marks, looking around. 'They're supposed to be here by now... Where are they?'

She heard a few gasps behind her. Slowly, Ophelia turned around, prepared to meet the people she had been waiting for forever.

As soon as she saw who was behind her, her brain short-circuited.

'Well, shit.'


So quick author's note so you can understand a bit of Ophelia's backstory. She was born in Florida and grew up with Dream. Then, at 11, her mom died and she moved in with her sister Diana, who had just moved in with Chris Evans (her soulmate) in Boston.

Also! Ranboo will be called Andrew at times. It is not his real name. I am not speculating that it is his real name. It just makes it more realistic that she would call her best friend by a real name. Also I find it funny that Ophelia knows Tom Holland (Spiderman) and she has friends names Tommy (TommyInnit) and Toby (Tubbo). Just needed to complete the Spider-Man trio with an Andrew, lol.

To my knowledge, this is not against Ranboo's (or anyone else's) boundaries. He is fine with fanfiction as long as it is not shipping or anything like that, and this is just him being best friends with an OC.

Next chapter: the dream!


Hope you all enjoyed!! Love you!! xx

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