chapter seven

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The dream was in what she assumed to be Paris this time. The streets were empty, but she could see the Eiffel Tower in the distance. When she saw the boys appear, she made a beeline to Niall. He was the best hugger, and she was in desperate need of one.

"What's wrong? What happened?" The boys questioned as she buried her tear-stained face in Niall's chest, wrapping her arms around him in a death-like grip. She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. She didn't want to think about her family's obvious discomfort in regards to her soulmates just yet. 

She didn't realize her breathing had gotten sporadic until she heard Niall's calming voice in her ear. "Breathe Angel. Come on. Breathe with me." She tried matching her breaths with Niall, and eventually calmed down enough to tell them what had happened. Harry and Louis were rubbing her back as Liam tried to get her hair out of her face. Zayn stayed back. He was never good at comforting others and wasn't sure what to do.

"They didn't believe me. They said that the age difference was too much. That I was making you up," she mumbled, gripping Niall tighter, not wanting to let go. He hugged her back, just as tight, as he brought them to a sitting position, her on his lap. The others followed suit, creating a circle around Ophelia. 

"Oh, love. I'm so sorry. You don't deserve that." Harry tried to console her. She grabbed Harry's hand to hold, wanting more contact. 

"I- I just thought they would accept that you are my soulmates. Why didn't they believe me? Why can't they be happy for me?" Her breathing was evening out a bit now, calming down by just being near her soulmates. 

"I don't know, darling. Shhh. Just breathe. It's going to be alright." Liam whispered to her, pulling her into another hug and off of Niall's lap.  

"They just kept saying they were concerned for me - that you would hurt me..." She muttered, hiccuping into Liam's chest. She reached out for Harry's arm, tracing his tattoos, trying to ground herself. 

"We would never hurt you, Sweetheart," Zayn mumbled and kissed her on the head. 

"Zayn's right, angel. Hurting you would kill us." Louis said, stroking the back of her head. 

"Tell us exactly what happened."

"Well first I told some of my best friends. They took it well enough, I guess. They just wanted to make sure I'm happy, and I told them I was. Then I had my best friend over for dinner and I told him and my family at the same time. He was fine with it in the end... but my brother-in-law and sister were upset. They didn't believe me at all! They kept talking about the age difference. As if they don't have a nine year age gap! They're total hypocrites!"

"I'm sure they just want to protect you, Angel," Niall murmured, rubbing her back and trying to comfort her, "And your friends took it well?"

She shrugged in response, still sniffling but quieting down a bit. 

"Well that's good!" Niall exclaimed. "Your sister and brother-in-law will come around. I can tell they love you, they just want you safe and happy."

She just shrugged again in response. 

"And your parents? How did they take it?"

"I wouldn't know. I never met my dad and my mom passed away a while back. My sister practically raised me."

"Oh..." All of her soulmates gave their condolences, which Ophelia brushed off and said it was a long time ago. 


They were all laying down in the street now, silent. They were all touching Ophelia, making sure that she knew they were there for her. The peace, however, was interrupted by Louis.

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