~Anger and Understandings~

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'With every difficulty there is relief'

'With every difficulty there is relief'

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Second update<3

Inaya's POV:
20 minutes later, a familiar black BMW pulled up and I nearly died in relief. I quickly stood up from my position on the side walk, stumbling a bit due to sitting for long and made my way to the car. Opening the door I sat down quietly.

Zayaan didn't even acknowledge me and just started driving. His jaw was tight and his lips were pulled in a thin line. There was a storm raging in his dark eyes which looked even darker than before as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. I decided not to say anything as I didn't want to trigger him further.

Once we were on the highway, he hit the accelerator harder and I gripped my seat belt tighter. We were going way past the speed limit and I was afraid that he might run the car into something.

"Zayaan, please slow down the car." I muttered in a low voice which made him even more angrier as he hit the accelerator harder. By now, I was scared out of my mind as I gripped the door tightly, my knuckles white, and I was praying just one thing that we reached home safely.

I saw the pole infront of us and a scream tore out of me and before I knew it, we came to a screeching halt, making me jerk forward. I slowly opened my eyes only to find smoke coming out of the engine and our car centimetres away from the pole. "Are you crazy? We could have-" I stopped midway when his cold eyes turned in my direction making me gulp the rest of my words. "We would have what Inaya?" He spoke, gritting my name out.

"Look I'm sorry." I apologized feeling guilty. He chuckled a humour less chuckle. "You're sorry? You know what? I'm sorry. I'm sorry for bringing you here out of your will, I'm sorry for wanting to have my wife by my side, I'm sorry." He spoke exasperated as he ran his hand through his hair. His dark eyes were focussed on me making me feel even more guilty.

"I know I shouldn't have left like that but you wouldn't listen to me and-"

"Do you have any fucking idea, how worried i was? How worried I was when I come home finding out that my wife is gone without so much as informing me and without any contact or anything. Do you have any idea the kind of thoughts that ran through my mind, each one worse than the last? No! why would you, you were too busy 'exploring' around." His cold voice sliced right through me making tears form in my eyes.

I hung my head in shame as i took in his words. This time I really did it. I had never seen him this angry before. I watched him from under my lashes as he passed his hand over his face. "I-"

"Don't Inaya." He warned and that shut me up. He restarted the car and after that we drove in silence but this time the silence wasn't a comfortable one, there was tension in the air, tension so palpable you could cut through it with a knife.

Once we reached home, Zayaan got out of the car slamming the door in the process and left, leaving me in the car. I sighed out loud and slowly made my way back to the house. As soon as I entered, I was engulfed in a hug by Haleema. "Thank god." She muttered and I hugged her back. "I'm sorry." I whispered and she patted my back.

Tired, I trudged to our bedroom. After changing, I sat down on the bed and waited for Zayaan but hours passed and he didn't come. I didn't realize when I fell asleep.
A week passed by with Zayaan giving me the silent treatment and avoiding me.

He would come to the room late night when I was asleep and leave early in the morning. Even when I waited for him at night, he would pass by me, ignoring my presence. It was like, I didn't even exist anymore.

I sighed in defeat. I was done with his behaviour. I admit it was my fault but it was his too, he was always engrossed in his work. Why did he even marry me, when he didn't need me.

It was 2 am now and I knew, this was the time he usually came and slept. I knew that because everyday I would pretend to sleep and notice his movements. Tears sprung to my eyes when I realized I couldn't take it anymore.

I had noone over here and moreover I was missing my family even more now. I couldn't go anywhere because I had no idea about navigation and I definitely didn't need a repeat of what happened. And that was it when I started sobbing. I placed my head on my knees and cried. I cried for everything, I cried for my parents, I cried for being lonely and most of all I cried for Zayaan giving me the silent treatment.

I heard the door opening and a figure entering. Upon looking at me he froze. My hiccups had decreased but tears still fell out of my eyes. I expected him to ignore me and go to the bathroom like always but what I didn't expect him to do was come and sit near me.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a soft voice. I slowly raised my head and gave him a glare. I was sure I looked extremely stupid with my red rimmed eyes and pink nose. "So n-now you're t-talking?"

He frowned as he gave me a look of concern. "Why are you crying?" He lifted my head and there was actually a pained look on his face as if he couldn't see the thought of me crying. I internally rolled my eyes at this. As if. He couldn't even stand the sight of me. "I wanna go home." I hiccupped.

He moved closer as he studied my face. "Why?" He asked, his eyes were lighter, the brown more visible than the black. "I miss my parents, I have noone over here, you keep on ignoring me and act like i don't even exist. I don't want to stay here anymore, atleast my parents treat me nicely." I cried and he sighed.

"Tell me Inaya, wasn't it your fault for leaving like that?" He questioned.

"It was and I apologized for it! But it was your fault too, I had been trapped in this huge house for almost a week doing absolutely nothing while all you did was work! I asked you countless times to take me out but you kept on delaying it again and again so what else was I supposed to do?" I ranted in one breath.

"You have to understand, I have to run a whole company. It's not like I just sit and do nothing whole day, I have to take care of meetings, presentations and everything! Who else would do it if I won't?" He retorted, crossing his arms and I shook my head.

"It's not like I'm asking you to stop working. I understand that you have to work and I have let you be throughout the time but atleast when you come home, you should have some time for me."

"Why did you even marry me, you should have just married your work." I added lowly. At this he burst out laughing and I pouted. Here I was trying to make him understand and he was making fun of me. I moved my head to the other side as I frowned. "And now you're making fun of me." I wobbled out.

"Ok I'm sorry." He spoke between laughing but I didn't turn towards him. He finally stopped laughing but there was a smile on his face. He held my chin and turned my face towards him, looking directly into my eyes. His face was more relaxed now.

"Ok, I promise I'll try to spend more time with you. I'll also take you out for sightseeing but you have to promise me also. You won't do anything reckless ever again." I nodded my head slowly.

"I'm sorry." I muttered. He gave me a small smile as he nodded his head. "You have no idea how worried I was. I thought-" he sighed. "Just don't do it next time, it's a complete unknown country and you have no idea the kind of people that walk on the streets." He shook his head.

"Does that mean we can go sightseeing tomorrow?" I piped in, hopeful. "Hmm-" he drawled and I frowned. "Ok." He smiled and I jumped in joy. "Now can I have something to eat? I'm starving."

"Coming right up!" And with that I jumped off the bed and hopped towards the kitchen with a big smile on my face.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
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Love ya all<3

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