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Hey ya all!
I'm back with another update:) and yes I know, the updating schedule is a mess but I can't help it, I've been pretty busy with my preparation and all, and on top of it, my writer's block kind of ruins it too:/

But I'm really trying to get on track, though I can't promise anything yet:)

Anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter and be sure to vote and comment.


Inaya's POV:
The next few days passed by in a blur. I couldn't help but keep on thinking about everything he had told me. He had been through so much yet he still stood strong, but the look that night I had seen on him. It had broken me, he looked so lost and broken and yet i couldn't do anything about it.

I wanted to go back, i really did but there was something stopping me. I don't know if it was the fear of getting hurt again but i decided that maybe it was finally time to get over it. After that night, Zayaan hadn't called me and I was glad for it, he knew I needed space and he was giving it to me.

I folded the clothes and kept them in the suitcase. I hadn't told Zayaan about my arrival yet and was planning on surprising him. There was a knock on the door and my mother walked in. She sat down beside the suitcase and started folding the clothes quietly. Sighing, I let go of the clothes and sat down infront of her, placing my head on her lap.

She stroked my head lightly and I breathed in her scent. I was going to miss her. "I'm happy that you and Zayaan worked out your differences." She spoke out and I smiled. "I took your advice Ammi."

"Always remember beta, try to solve the matters by talking them out instead of acting on anger." I nodded against her lap and looked up at her. There were tears in her eyes as she gave me a sad smile. "Ammi please dont cry." I choked out, tears stinging my eyes. She shook her head. "Its always hard for a mother to let her daughter go."

After that my mother helped me pack the rest of the stuff and by 6 pm everything was complete. I dragged my suitcase downstairs where my father was waiting for me. One by one I hugged my mother and my sister while my father kept the suitcase in the trunk.

With tears in my eyes, I bid everyone goodbye and slid into the passenger seat while my father got into the drivers seat. "Ready?" I nodded and he started driving. I knew my mother had told him about me and Zayaan but I was glad that my father hadn't said anything on it.

He knew that it was my responsibility to solve the matters on my own and in case if I needed him, he was there. "Abbu can we stop for icecream?" I asked with a smile and he laughed. And I knew he was thinking of the same memory as me. When I was young, my father would pick me and drop me at school everyday

Let me tell you, I hated school with a passion and would cry almost everyday. My father would bribe me with ice cream, saying that he would buy me one on our way back home. And I guess it became a routine, we would go to the same ice cream shop everyday on our way back home.

We stopped infront of the shop and Abbu stopped the engine. We both got out and walked into the familiar shop. I took in a deep breath, nostalgia hitting me as I took the seat in the corner while my father went to order. "Here is your kulfi." My father placed the plate containing a stick infront of me and a huge grin broke out on my face.

"This can never get old." I spoke in between chewing. My fathers eyes held sadness as he smiled at me. "Children grow up so fast, I still remember the first time I brought you here while you held my hand." I laughed. "Beta, are you happy with my decision?"

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