Chapter 10

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I can't help but think he looks cute when he's worried. I just realized I've been very rude since I've never given him my name. Shame on me. He seems so happy with the idea of sharing a meal with me that I can't refuse. The only thing is that I have no idea of what's on the trail. So I decide to just sit and wait for him to explain me. His eyes sparkle with happiness and hope. I can't disappoint him. I'm supposed to be the person he's dreamed about since his childhood. I have to live up to his expectations.

I am now sitting in front of him. The trail separates us and a comfortable silence fills up the air. It's nice. It's soothing. I'm glad he doesn't ask me the typical "How are you?". I know I would have answered "I'm fine", which would have been a total lie.

"So this is piroushkji. It's a sort of bread with meat inside and sometimes with egg, mushrooms or cheese. My favorite is the one with bacon and cheese. If you want something lighter, I can give you some valda. It's the blue thing over there. I know it doesn't look very appetizing but once you get used to it, you find it very tasty and refreshing. Otherwise, there is also..."

Ael stops when he sees my mouth wide open .

"I'll try these two things for today... if you don't mind."

His radiant smile dazzles me for a moment.

"Whoa, I could get used to it." I think

He quickly starts to cut the bread and I can see he is making sure every slice is even and thin. Why does he cut like this ?

"Why do cut the bread that way ? Are you trying to make a chef d'oeuvre ?"

"What does chef d'oeuvre mean ? And to answer your first question, I cut it that way because you deserve the best part of the bread and also because you, humans, love beauty."

I have nothing to respond to this. He left me speechless. To hide my internal turmoil I decide to taste the bread thing. Honestly I didn't think it would taste this good. The silence comes back as we finish eating. I want to find a new idea of conversation.

"So... What's your brother's work ?"

"Why do you ask ?" he answers rudely

"I just want to get to know him better because he seems a little..."

"You want to get to know HIM better and not ? You are interested in another man and not in me ! Tell me who is your mate !!!" He yells furious

"I want to get to know him because I want to know who the hell is the crazy man who came through that door and assaulted me !!!" I yell back

It seems to have calmed him because he now looks down in shame. I'm having a hard time understanding why he's ashamed.

"I understand. I'll tell you everything about him later." He says reassured

"Thank you."

And then there was silence.

"Can you answer one more question Athanasia please ? Something confuses me: why do people love so much to talk about the others ? Why are people interested in someone else's life when they aren't even able to take care of theirs ?"

"Honestly I don't know. It may be because we are greedy for another life. Our life doesn't feel good enough so people like to experience other lives through social media."

"Social media are dangerous."

"How do you know about social media ?"

"Because I studied it in my Human Civilization class." He responds in a matter-of-fact tone. "Do you have any social media ?"

"Yes I had some."

"Did you post a lot ?"


"Why ?"

"Because I'm not interesting. Information about me is trivial."

"There is not a single useless thing to know about you. I want to know absolutely everything about you: your favorite candies, your favorite color, your favorite books. Even the weirdest thing like where are your beauty marks, if you're a hairy person or not..."

"Eww, that's gross."

"If you want to know, my torso is hairless."

"TMI" I answer while running away in the bathroom with my face as red as a tomato.

(Author's note: TMI stands for Too Much Information)

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