Chapter 20

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Ael firmly puts his hands on my shoulder forcing me to stay on the floor. The contact of our two bodies makes me burst into tears. In this type of situation the man usually helps the woman, treats her with gentleness and commiseration, comforts her. In the worst case he just stands there observing her and sympathizing with her in silence. But not Ael. Instead his face hardens and his gaze stabs me right into my heart. He looks like a warrior standing in front of a crowd of soldiers, alone, ready to kill all those standing in his way.

He starts to speak calmly, frighteningly calmly, with a hoarse voice.

"Since you came into my life I don't recognize myself anymore. I look into the mirror and see nothing but a stranger. And that is all because of you, my dear little manipulative mate. You are literally at my mercy, on this ship, in this room. You, a small creature I believed too fragile for my surly personality. But to my greatest surprise, you turned out to be the most untameable and dangerous being I've ever met. Your perfume is for me like a sweet candy when in reality it's a poison eating me alive. Even now that I know it, I still can't stop myself from smelling it over and over again. You see how deadly you are ? To think that when we first met I thought you were like a rose: pretty, difficult to tame, precious, rare. Truth is you're not. You're a thousand miles away from it.

Look how I can touch you. I could easily break you within a second. I could destroy you, bend you to my will. But I'm no monster. Besides, even though I can touch you as easily as that, I never get a kiss, an embrace or even just a caress from you. Never have and never will. Nothing is the only thing I've got from you so far.

When I thought that after all these years I'd finally find someone loving me right away for who I truly am, I just realized I was wrong all along. I thought my mate would be the light of my life, saving me from the dark thoughts consuming me, from the sorrow, from the bitterness, from the suffering but she just kept on creating more scars in my heart. A heart she was supposed to cherish and love unconditionally. How wrong I was. I was a fool full of dreams that were way too utopic. Still I believed in them. They were anchored in my mind. However, you destroyed this idealization of mine. I truly worshipped you. And perhaps I still am unconsciously although I stopped trying to fathom you, for fear of being even more hurt by hoping and imagining things that aren't true.

Don't doubt my love. You're not entitled to. I doubt your love but I have a real reason.

I could not love the other half of my soul ? Even if her love is toxic, even if she manipulates me, luring me with the promise of a bright and idyllic future, I'll still love her. I have to. Otherwise all that'd be left would be the cinders of my desperate soul burning up in a lonely fire.

I don't want your pity. I don't need it as I'm getting over it.

My love for you goes beyond the stars and nothing in this universe can surpass that. But now that I've understood and accepted the kind of person you are, I've stopped waiting for you to give me anything in return for my love."


Hi guys ! So the chapters are getting more and more intense: what do you think will happen next? How is Athanasia going to react ? Please let us know your feelings and theories.

We are absolutely ecstatic to announce you we've reached 1.3K of views (and soon 1.4K) !! Thank you so much for reading our book even if it's far from perfect. We hope you'll enjoy the next chapters as much as the previous ones.

On a sadder note we won't be able to post for two weeks: one of us is going in a summer camp and can't have her phone and then we're going back to school on August 31st. So the next chapter will only be published on the 8th of September. We are sorry about that but we hope you'll wait impatiently for us ! We also hope you've had a nice summer and that you are ready to go back to school.

Lots of love,


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