13- The Long Game

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After their five minute break to discuss strategy everyone came back and sat around the game with their teammates. Before the five minute break Riley had became partners with Maya and Cory became partners with Topanga.

"Breaks over. Game on!" Joshua said as he clapped his hands.

"Someone has to get a twelve? Anybody a twelve. Nobody throw a twelve," Cory said as Riley rolled the dice. The diced landed on twelve.

"Twelve!" Riley shouted.

"Oh, thank goodness. It's over," Lucas said in relief.

"No, it's not," Riley responded then explained, "I'm not going for the success square. I'm going for the circle in the middle. We are going to play the long game."

"What?" Lucas questioned.

Elliott sat up confused and reminded Riley. "But you could win."

Josh has a whisk in his hand and talked into it like it was an microphone. "Dude, why would you do that?"

Riley looked at the whisk in Josh's hand before she said, "Because tonight the family game night is not about winning."

"Uh, say what?" Topanga said confused.

"Mom, I was only trying to beat you because I want you to be proud of me," Riley explained to Topanga.

"You do?" Topanga asked.

"Yeah, I want to be like you," Riley added nodding her head.

"You do?" Topanga repeated but more flattered.

"A killer shark who always wins?" Riley said.

"That is the most beautiful thing I ever heard," Topanga said as she hugged Riley.

"So tonight, let's find out what happens when you play the long game," Riley said to everyone.

"I'm never gonna see my mama again," Lucas frowned.

"I wanted someone to land on the success square. I kind of wanted to hear," Cory stands and pressed the horn buzzer.

"I win!" Topanga said excitedly. "Seriously, help me."

Josh started reading from the back of the box and said, "In the long game the players all together to conquer the game itself."

"So we're all on one big team then?" Cory questioned.

"If you'll let us be," Riley stood up. "And dad, I promise that nobody is going anywhere.

"Well, Riley, you know what?" Cory said as he stood up. "If these are the people you've chosen to leave us for someday. They're welcome to play with us anytime. You've made some wonderful choices."

"You're gonna but the friends game?" Riley asked.

"Yeah," Cory nodded.

Topanga stood up and asked, "Can we play that one with you guys?"

Maya stood up and said, "Anytime you want."

"You're a good King," Riley told Cory.

"You're a good John Quincy Adams," Cory said.

"Oh, the kid who brought everyone together," Riley remembered on realization.

"Yeah," Cory nodded.

"Told you," Riley said then moved her game piece to her success square and it makes the horn sound. "Who's joining us?"

"We are," Topanga said then sat down with Cory and rolled the dice.

It was almost midnight as the game continued. Everyone had blanked around and sat in a comfortable position while Josh talked into the whisk,

"Well, birds are chirping. Sounds of a sleepy city coming to life as the sun peeks its smiling face. Upon 10 tired game players. And if Auggie Matthews can roll a two, then we will finally find out what happens when you win the long game." He stood next to Auggie and Ava as Auggie shook the dice in his hands.

"Nobody could roll a two," Elliott said.

"We pick two," Ava decided.

"You know what, Ava? I finally like you," Topanga smiled.

"Okay," Ava said as she moved their piece to their colored success square. The game chimes.

"That's it?" Riley said confused.

The board game makes another chiming noise and continued as it whirls then it stops. Cory starts to sit up.

"Hold on," He said.

Mystical music starts the play as the circle in the middle slowly rises with lights coming out of it.

Everybody scooted closer out of their position to see the lights coming out, smiling. The circle in the middle went back to the board and lights went away.

"And as everyone's joined together, we see that in the long game, friends become family," Josh talked into the whisk.

"It's not a game at all," Riley mentioned.

"What is it, mommy?" Auggie asked.

"It's life," Topanga answered.

"Life is the long game?" Auggie asked turning to Cory.

"Yeah, bubba. Life is the long game," Cory responded.

Cory picked up Auggie as he sat on the couch and sat Auggie on his leg. Maya and Elliott got up and sat the couch.

"Elliott. Why have you been avoiding telling me how you feel about me?" Maya asked curious.

"Maybe I'm not comfortable talking about my feelings," Elliott responded and sighs. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded.

"Good," Elliott said in relief.

"But I'm in it for the long game," Maya smiled.

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