14- First Date

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Elliott walked back inside the apartment, with his skateboard in his hand, coming back from the skatepark. Maya almost falls at the sight of him, but Topanga catches her.

"Thank you. I'm good," Maya tells Topanga, as Cory walked over to his firstborn, with an upset look on his face.

"Elliott, would you do me a favor and explain to your sister that she is way too young to go out on her first date?" Cory asked. He pushes him towards Riley, and Elliott quickly gave a confused, but anger expression written all over his face.

"Go out with who?" Elliott asked, slightly raising his eyebrow, his gaze turns to Lucas, hoping she wasn't going on a date with him.

Lucas hesitates as he raises his hand and smiles. He knew Elliott didn't like him very much, which made him slightly nervous, but he still wanted to go on a date with Riley.

Elliott slightly glares at him before his face softens as he turns to look at Riley. "You can't go out with him. I don't even want you going out with Farkle." It was the truth, even though he did trusted Farkle to go out with Riley, he still didn't want him to.

"Thank you!" Cory smiled in victory knowing that Elliott was on his side in this situation, as he threw his hands in the air then placed them on his hip.

"But why?" Riley questioned, her smile faded. Before Elliott got to respond, Lucas spoke up.

"So, I have everybody's permission except Elliott and Mr. Matthews?" Lucas asked to make sure.

"Lucas, I like you," Cory began as his son interrupted.

"I don't," Elliott shook his head, letting a small laugh.

"I really do," Cory continued as he ignored his son.

"I really don't," Elliott said honestly.

Cory gave his son a look. Elliott knee to stop interrupting and sighed. "But do I look like the kind of guy that would let his child go out on a date this young?" He then asked Lucas.

Auggie and Ava run into the room holding hands.

"I put a ring on it," Auggie smiled proudly.

"What?" Topanga questioned seething.

"We're engaged," Auggie explained more.

"Let me tell you why you're not engaged," Topanga said.

"Let me tell you why we are," Auggie argues then turns to Ava and said, "Sing it, baby!"

Ava said, "Look at me. I'm Ava Morgenstern...Matthews!" She sang and showed the ring on her finger.

Topanga chuckles and looks at the ring, "What? Oh my gosh. Look at this ring. It looks just like mi-" She looks at her finger and noticed the ring gone. "Hey, give me this!"

"Yeah, it's Auggie's grandma's ring," Ava explained as Topanga took the ring off of Ava's finger.

"It's actually my ring," Topanga scoffs.

"Oh, you're...not Auggie's grandma?" Ava questioned.

"Ava honey, are you looking at me? You looking right into my eyes?" Topanga said and Ava nodded along. "Okay good, I got something to say, ugh."

Auggie and Ava run out of the room. The door opens and Farkle walks in. "Greetings, Matthews, I've come to ask Riley out on her first date now that Maya has asked out Lucas," He said.

"What? You asked out Lucas? Why?" Elliott asked, trying to hide the hurt in his voice.

"Jealous much?" Maya grinned, repeating what he had said to her when she was jealous, she had a feeling that he was, as she waited for his reaction. She wasn't hoping for a big one, just a sign of slight jealousy for own amusement.

"No..." Elliott crossed his arms, avoiding Maya's gaze, if he told the truth he would have to talk about his feelings, which he didn't want to do, especially not in front of everyone.

Maya's smile almost fell, but she caught it, only rolling her eyes slightly, before turning back to the question he'd just asked. She knew he liked her back, but she wanted him to admit it, and she didn't want to force it out of him.

She lets out a sigh before answering, "Because nobody does nothin'." Maya explained, referring to how people are scared to ask someone out, and decides to wait to be asked out.

"You lit the fire, huh?" Topanga stated more than asked.

"Someone had to push these two kids together," Maya explained, looking at Riley and Lucas.

"Have I told you lately I think you're pretty fierce?"  Topanga questioned, but knowing that she did.

"Have I told you lately I think you're pretty fierce?" Riley wrapped her arm around Maya.

"What's going on?" Farkle asked curious.

"What's going on, Farkle, is that this kid here wants my blessing," Cory walked over to Lucas. "You want it?"

"I do, sir." Lucas nodded.

"Then you got it," Elliott couldn't believe the words that just came out of his father's mouth, neither could anyone else, he knew his father was up to something but he didn't know what.

"On one condition." There it was. Elliott knew his father wasn't just going to let Lucas go on a date with Riley, without there being something else. He tried to figure out what it could be, then he glanced at Farkle.

He needed to step in and needed to step in fast, knowing that Cory was going to make this a double date. He didn't know why, but something inside of him didn't want Farkle to be Maya's first date, he wanted to be Maya's first date.

"I'm going to be there," Elliott quickly says. Maya's worry slowly disappears, turning to Elliott. "This is going to be a double date. If I'm Maya's date I could make sure Lucas doesn't try anything, because nothing will be happening. Sorry Farkle," he felt bad for not including Farkle but he wanted to keep an eye on Lucas.

"So you're saying I have your blessing, too? I can go out with Riley?" Lucas asked. Elliott nodded his head.

He rubbed his hand through his hair, before he walked out of the room and walked upstairs. He went into his room, closing the door behind the turned around and walked to his bed. He took off his hoodie and sat down on his bed.

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