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"Well, you certainly look like official tea servers. How do you feel?" Pao said to his two newest employees as they stood in his empty shop, Pao Family Tea House. Both of them had their own complaints that they were quick to address.

"Ridiculous." Responded Zuko, with his arms crossed and scowl on his face. Meanwhile, Iroh struggled to tie the apron around his swollen belly, "Uh, does this possibly come in a larger size?"

"I think I've got some extra string in the back." Pao began to turn on his heel, stopping when he heard the creaky wooden door swing on its hinges.

"I've got some here. Please, let me." Zuko and Iroh recognized the voice before ever turning around. Zuko's eyes shot toward his uncle and he spoke through clenched teeth, "Uncle, please. Don't --"

His prayers to not be embarrassed went unanswered. Iroh turned sharply toward Kai and held out his welcoming arms, boasting a wide smile and humble eyes, "Kai, so good to see you again!" He wrapped her up in a warm hug as if they were old pals, meeting once again in the city after being separated by years of a never-ending war.

"I thought I'd take you up on that offer for the best tea in Ba Sing Se. Is this where you're setting up shop?" Her eyes darted around the small tea shop. It wasn't much, but Iroh didn't seem to her like a man that needed much. She liked that about him, that he was a content with a life of simplicity. Though she wasn't sure the same could be said about his nephew.

"Welcome, miss." Pao said, "I see you're a friend of my two newest employees."

"Please, she is more of my nephew's acquaintance than my own. But she is a delight nonetheless." Zuko felt his cheeks warming up and fought the urge to strike Iroh in the gut. He slumped back against the counter.

"Right, I'll leave you two to your duties then." Pao excused himself, as did Iroh to the back of the shop, "This will be the best jasmine tea you've ever had, I swear on it." He said.

Kai seated herself at the bar close to Zuko, waiting for him to come out of his tantrum of embarrassment.

"Don't want to talk, eh? That's okay. Not much eventful has happened since I saw you last." Not many would consider sneaking into an underground lair, nearly ending the life of an Earth Kingdom official and making a fool of Princess Azula "uneventful". Not even Kai, but Zuko didn't need to know about it. So she waited. The sweet, floral scent of jasmine wafted from the back of the building and filled her nostrils, causing her hungry stomach to speak again. Louder this time.

"It's not that, just.." Finally, he looked up from his crossed arms to see her nimble fingers supporting her chin. Her elbow resting on the rough, wooden bar where she sat, "Every time we meet I ask what you're doing here. I'm trying to refrain from making a habit of it."

It was a valid question, but she saw his point. Given all that Kia knew, she could easily chalk it up to fate, destiny, the stars, whatever. But it almost seemed to Zuko as if the girl was following him.

"They say third time's the charm. But for the sake of avoiding repetition, I'm just gathering groceries and enjoying some tea."

"I thought you were searching for your --" Those nimble fingers that Zuko had just been admiring were suddenly glued to his face, forcing his lips shut. Her eyes got wide and she mouthed the words, "Shut up!" before removing her hand.

Except it didn't take its place back on the splintered bar where it rested before, Zuko felt the smooth skin on her fingertips slide along his cheek and into his hair, resting against his scarred ear while she pulled him close to her. For a moment he believed that she was going to kiss him, and she got close, but her lips continued past his cheek and her warm breath whispered to him, "There are people listening behind closed doors."

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