Vitamin D

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Zuko stirred from his half-day slumber. He'd woken twice earlier in the day from horrible, tantalizing fever dreams, but had sweated out most of his heat. With Iroh nowhere to be found and no one stopping him now from taking care of himself, Zuko pulled his tired but refreshed body into the small bathroom in the hall.

He looked in the mirror and noticed how thin he'd become after months of scavenging for food. His ribs were starting to protrude against his torso. But that wasn't what bothered him the most in that moment, he could smell himself. He lifted his underarm and took a big whiff that was instantly regretted, the smell of cooled sweat and dust from that underwater lair filled his nostrils. His head recoiled.

Zuko pulled off his damp shorts and sat in the tub, turned on the faucet and splashed water over his face. He scrubbed his body from head to toe and massaged his scalp just like the women at the palace used to with their dainty fingers.

When he re-emerged from the washroom, now dressed in clean clothes with his hair towel dried, he felt ten pounds lighter. And not just because he had literally lost about ten pounds of muscle and water weight. It felt like a rock solid load had been lifted off of his chest. Like he'd had a giant, hate filled tumor surgically removed and he was just waking up from sedation with a new found appreciation for life. He could think clearly now, he could see the golden light shining through the many windows in their new apartment, and he could smell — what was that?

He walked through the living room and saw his uncle's back turned to him, facing the stove. Iroh leaned over a large tin pot that was simmering over heat, stirring it. Zuko couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten, it had to have been before Kai came over to spar the night before.

"What's that smell?" Zuko asked curiously.

His unexpected voice startled the old man, "It's jook. I'm sure you wouldn't like it."

Zuko leaned over the pot and had never smelled anything more appealing. He reached for a bowl on the counter and held it in his hands, a smile spreading across his face, "Actually, it smells delicious. I'd love a bowl, Uncle."

Iroh ladled enough jook into his bowl to fill it to the top and then another for himself, taking notice of his nephew's good mood, "Now that your fever is gone, you seem.. different, somehow."

Zuko followed his uncle to their dining room table and slurped the jook loudly, like Kai had done her noodles during their double date. Something he would've been reprimanded for back home.

"It's a new day. We've got a new apartment, new furniture, and today's the soft opening of your new tea shop." His head turned slightly at the sound of a small knock at the door, "Things are looking up, Uncle."

Zuko pulled the door open and if Iroh thought his nephew's rare smile couldn't have gotten wider, he was proven wrong that very moment. Kai stood leaned against the door frame and was almost taken aback by his obvious change of character. Her tired, shadowed eyes widened with surprise and her body stiffened when Zuko reached for her waist.

She loosened up a bit when he pulled her loosely against his torso and kissed her right on the lips. It wasn't forceful or hungry like some of the other kisses they'd shared. Zuko kissed her only briefly, it was soft and sweet like a small good morning gesture that a husband shares with his wife to let her know he was happy that they were given another day together. If Kai were being honest with herself, it was a kiss like she'd never experienced before, blush filled her cheeks and chest and Iroh witnessed every bit of it.

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