v. dramatic campfires (courtesy of chiron the pessimistic centaur)

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CABIN FIFTEEN DIDN'T seem all that threatening at first glance. It looked like an old-fashioned prairie house with mud walls and a rush roof, and there was a wreath of red poppies hanging on the door. 

"This is the cabin for Hypnos, the god of sleep," Annabeth told them. "You've forgotten everything—if there's any god who can help us figure out memory loss, it's Hypnos." 

Inside, three kids were fast asleep under piles of covers. A warm fire crackled in the hearth and above the mantel hung a tree branch, its twigs dripping white liquid into a collection of tin bowls. Soft violin music played in the background. The air smelled like fresh laundry. It was so cozy and peaceful that Ophelia had to stifle a yawn with her hand. She hadn't realized how exhausted she was, though it was understandable after the kind of day she'd had. 

Ophelia blinked slowly, already considering a nap when Annabeth nudged her. "Snap out of it," she said. She jabbed Jason hard in the arm as well, making him startle out of his own little daze. "Cabin Fifteen does that to everyone. If you ask me, this place is even more dangerous than the Ares cabin. At least there you can learn where the land mines are." 

"Land mines?" Jason questioned. 

Annabeth walked up to the nearest sleeping kid, shaking his shoulder. "Clovis! Wake up!" It took a few moments for her to finally shake him awake. The boy mumbled a complaint at having been woken up, but he sat up anyway. He yawned, causing Ophelia, Jason, and Annabeth to yawn as well. 

"Stop that!" Annabeth said. "We need your help." 

"I was sleeping," Clovis complained. 

"You're always sleeping," Annabeth said. 

"Good night." Before he got the chance to pass out again, Annabeth yanked his pillow off the bed. 

"That's not fair," Clovis mumbled. "Give it back." 

"First help," Annabeth said. "Then sleep." 

Clovis sighed. "Fine. What?" 

Annabeth explained Jason and Ophelia's problem. She had to snap her fingers under his nose every so often to keep him awake, but by the time she was done, he actually stood and stretched, blinking at Jason and Ophelia. "So you don't remember anything, huh?" 

"Other than each other's names, just impressions," Jason said. "Feelings, like..." 

"Yes?" Clovis encouraged. 

"Like we shouldn't be here. At this camp." He shared a brief look with Ophelia. "We're in danger." 

Why does it feel like that's not the first time that statement's applied to me? 

Clovis hummed. "Alright, you—" he pointed at Ophelia "—close your eyes." 

Ophelia raised a brow, glancing at Jason and then at Annabeth, who nodded reassuringly. She prayed she wouldn't end up snoring in one of the free bunks for the rest of her life and closed her eyes. 

Her mind began to feel murky, as if she was trying to see through a dark water. 

It was as if no time had passed for her when her eyes snapped open, but clearly that wasn't the case. She was sitting in a chair by the fire, Clovis, Annabeth, and Jason kneeling in front of her. Jason's expression was fearful, his hand on her arm. 

"—serious, all right," Clovis was saying. 

Ophelia blinked. "What happened?" she asked. "How long—?" 

"Just a few minutes," Annabeth said. "But it was tense." 

"You almost dissolved," Jason said, his tone worried. 

Where You Go ― Jason GraceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora