xii. love's a bitch

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THE SUMMER AIR SUDDENLY FELT OPPRESSIVE, like it was thickening into something unbreathable, something that wanted to crawl down their throats and settle forever in their lungs. The ground shook underneath their feet, and the trio of demigods drew their swords, wary.


The voice rushed past Ophelia's ear like a bullet. She flinched, but when she turned, no one was there.

No one she could see, at least. 

You come to claim the scepter.

Ophelia, Nico, and Jason stood in a triangle, their shoulders touching, their swords ready. Ophelia wasn't sure why she felt like they were facing a monster. They were only facing the god of love—so why were her fight-or-flight instincts going crazy?

"Cupid," Jason called, "where are you?"

The voice laughed. It sounded deep and rich, but threatening—like a tremor before a major earthquake. It was as if the voice was designed to make Ophelia think of Maren, and how the earth shook at her call. Maybe it was. Maybe that was Cupid's thing—reminding those unfortunate enough to meet him of the people they'd loved and lost. 

Where you least expect me, Cupid answered. As Love always is.

Something slammed into Jason and hurled him across the street. He toppled down a set of steps and sprawled on the floor of an excavated Roman basement.

"Jason!" Ophelia cried.

I would think you'd know better, Jason Grace. Cupid's voice was everywhere, all-consuming. You've found true love, after all. Or do you still doubt yourself?

Ophelia and Nico reached Jason, helping him up. 

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. Just sucker-punched," he groaned.

Oh, did you expect me to play fair? Cupid laughed. I am the god of love. I am never fair. Just ask your lover here.

Ophelia only barely managed to dodge the arrow that materialized in thin air, racing toward her with the speed and accuracy of one of Sciron's bullets. The projectile exploded against the nearest wall, peppering them with limestone shrapnel.

They ran up the steps. Jason pulled her and Nico to one side as another gust of wind toppled a column that would have crushed them flat.

"Is this guy Love or Death?" Jason growled.

Ask your friends, Cupid said. Frank, Hazel, and Percy met my counterpart, Thanatos. We are not so different. Except Death is sometimes kinder.

"We just want the scepter!" Nico shouted. "We're trying to stop Gaea. Are you on the gods' side or not?"

A second arrow hit the ground between Nico's feet and glowed white-hot. Nico stumbled back as the arrow burst into a geyser of flame.

Love is on every side, Cupid said. And no one's side. Don't ask what Love can do for you.

"What is it with gods and talking like Hallmark greeting cards?" Ophelia grumbled. 

Jason spun, reacting to something in a split-second. His sword hit something solid, and Ophelia heard a grunt. Jason swung again, but the invisible god was gone. On the pacing stones, a trail of golden ichor shimmered—the blood of the gods.

Very good, Jason, Cupid said. At least you can sense my presence. Even a glancing hit at true love is more than most heroes manage.

"So now I get the scepter?" Jason asked.

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