Part 2

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~A few days later~

You were standing over the caskets at your parents' funeral. You had stayed in a coworker of your father's house. He had been very friendly to you but you. The feeling of hopelessness washed over you.

You were in a black suit and a red tie because that was your dad's favorite color. You were tired of watching all these people weeping and crying over people who would never come back. 

You sigh and walk to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror. You saw dark bags under your eyes and you looked paler than usual. You walk out of the bathroom.

You walk over to the coworker you were staying with and tell him you were going for a walk to get some air. He noded and you left. You walked down the street as people stared at you as if you were sick or mentally ill. You keep your gaze on the ground as you walk past shops. 

You hear a familiar voice talking and lookup. 

You see the same boy that helped you at the hospital. He was with two other people, one had a cigarette in his mouth and had sideburns, and the other had a short mustache and lighter brown hair than the first guy. Toby catches your stare and he smiles a bit. "Hey Y/N!" He says and walks over to you on the other side of the big sidewalk as you stop. "Hey, Toby." You say. The other two look at you and you look at them. 

"How are things going? Where are you heading?" He asks and you look back at him. "Um, fine, i guess. I was just going on a walk to get away from the funeral." You say. He pats you on the back. "It will get better, I should know!" He says and you look up at him. "My parents were murdered and the person that killed them burned the house down." He says but you could tell he was lying. You nod. "Anyway, this is Tim and Brian." He points to the one with sideburns then the other. You nod a bit to them as if saying hello.

He nods. He gives you a side hug. You smile a bit at the affection. Toby and you let go and he takes out a small notepad and flips it open. He writes something down and hands it to you. You look at it and they begin to walk away. It was a phone number. "See ya around," Toby says. "Bye." "See ya later." You wave them off. "Tim, Brian, it was nice meeting you two." You call to them. They look back surprised and smile a bit.

You turn and continue your walk. You stop at a café and walk-in. You see the line was short so you think of what you want and pick a random fruit drink. You get to the front of the line in a minute and order, pay then sit at a table to wait. 

You get your phone out and go to Instagram and look through the artist and drawing tags, seeing a few anime things along the way. You awe at all of the amazing pictures and like all of them regardless of whether you like the art or not, they tried and they had the confidence to put it on the internet.

You hear your name called and you get up and walk over to the counter. "Have a nice day sir!" You look at the worker and smile. 

You see his rainbow pin on his uniform."Nice pin." You say. You grab your drink and exit the café then walk in the direction of the funeral. You frown as you sip your drink. You remember his pin and smile. Your parents would go on a rant on what a confident person he was.

 You find yourself at the funeral home quickly and see people were leaving. You had been there for the services so you didn't miss anything. The coworker came from the building and started to walk to you as a few people starring at you, say how sad that you were left without them.

"Your aunt is here, Y/N." You frown. She was pansexual and nice but her boyfriend was abusive. Her ex tried to get her out of the relationship but it never worked. Her ex picked you up once because he was being a dick bag to you.

You and the boyfriend both hated each other and you knew he would make your life a living hell for the next while. Your aunt comes running out and towards you. "There you are Y/N!" She says worriedly. The coworker looks at her. "He isn't going with you, Megan." He says. She looked sad. "Why?" She asks. "Your boyfriend is abusive and transphobic, he's not safe there."

You smile at Derek, the coworker. "Let's go, kid." He says and leads you to his car. You hop in the passenger side and he starts the car. You set your drink in the cup holder and he starts to drive off to his small house.

You take out your phone and tap on your music app and put your earbuds in and listen to a random playlist that was recommended.

He speaks up after a while of silence. "You inherited everything. Everything is in your name now, Y/N." You look at him and take out one of your earbuds. You didn't want their money, you wanted them. "I know." You say quietly and look back to your phone that was playing Dysphoric by Cavetown.

"If you ever need something, you'll be taken care of. They had a lot in retirement so that is now yours and-" You cut him off with crying. "I don't want the money." You mumble through tears. "I don't want any of it. I want them back. I want my life back."

"It's 'Sir'. Get it right." (Creepypasta x Trans Man Reader)(DISCONTIUNED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя