Part 15 (+A/N)

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-The next day-

"You know I didn't mean this when I told Toby I wanted to try something new, right?" You say as you pick at flowers. 

Helen was trying to teach you how to press flowers, somehow he was able to incorporate that into his art.

"At least try." He says and looks over at you. "It's not even that hard. Put the flowers between the pages, turn to the next page, and repeat." 

It wasn't very interesting. You felt like you were going nuts.

You did as he said. You were more than certain he was trying to get some free labor out of your boredom. You hear a knock at his door and it opens. You look over to see Jack standing there. "I didn't say y-" "Y/N is needed, desperately," Jack says, cutting Helen off. You felt worried and almost didn't want to leave this boring job. Jack looked back and seemed to be impatient, which he rarely was. You almost immediately rush out the door to follow him.

He stops in front of Toby's door. "He hasn't come out all day. He hasn't answered anyone."

So you were the last result. This had happened once before and you managed to work yourself into the spot of his top comfort person, you didn't know how this happened.

You knock on his door and call out his name lightly. A few seconds later there was a click, the door had unlocked. You took that as a sign to go in. You wave Jack off and quickly step into his room. 

You close the door behind you and lock the door again. You look around the dark room, dim light crept in from his window from the clouded sky. He was sitting a few feet away from the door. He looked less than pleased. You sit next to him and wrap your arm around his shoulder. He leans towards you. 

You didn't know if he wanted to tell you what was wrong or not so you sat quietly messing with the short wavy hair on the side of his head. "You know I love you, right?" You say. "Mhm." He hums quietly. "You're always welcome by my side, Toby. I'm not going anywhere."

He nods.

You both stayed silent for the next few hours, you guessed he had fallen asleep at some point because his head was heavy on your shoulder.

You weren't going anywhere, there was no way you could leave. Short-term to long-term.

...and then you live happily ever after. The End.

This book is now discontinued! I spiral every time I work on this fanfic, there's a lot of pressure to disappoint on this fanfic, and yall make that very apparent.

I hope to post other fanfics of the same nature, same fandom, and different plots at some point. All fanfictions by me will be uploaded in full from now on so I don't have to worry about "upload faster", "come on it's been months", or comments of the sort. Then you guys won't have to wait for chapters because it's all there.

I'm not going to lie. I'm a little salty(obviously) about this. I've been trying to make this fanfic worthy of my time, and yours, but I've come to the conclusion I will never be happy with this fanfiction. I'm sad to end it on this note after three years of trying to perfect this fiction. I hope to chat with you all in my next work of art and I can't wait to see you on the next story.

Till next time. -Author Cameron

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