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Kawakami groans and sits up, rubbing her eyes from the sunlight barging in her room. She's forcing herself to get up and go to school today. The last seven hours have been the only good rest she's gotten the last few days and she wishes she can continue it.

She lazily gets out of her bed and walks to hee closet - she passes by her desk with all of the picture on them and her heart aches a bit. The same school uniform she wears every day is on a hanger in her closet so she grabs it and changes.

Last night she took a shower soon after Yamaguchi left. She bawled her eyes out even more while doing it but now she feels more refreshed. Her once pale skin has almost fully gone back to its normal color, but the bags under her eyes are only faint but noticeable. So today she decides it will be one of the few times she wears foundation and concealer, and not just her normal mascara.

Minutes pass and she's almost all ready to go; she stops on the way out her door and remembers the device she hasn't touched in days. She turns around and hurries to her bedside table and she pulls it out of her drawer, holding down the power button.

She almost forgot about the thing since she's been off of it to exclude herself from all outside interaction. It's still a mystery how she survived without looking at Tiktok once.

Notifications blow up and she has messages and mixed calls. Some are from Tamura and Yamaguchi and others are from classmates she talks to occasionally. The messages from the boy she cares deeply for makes a smile spread on her lips instantly.

[Monday at 8:09am]

Yams ! (♡◕ヮ◕):

Why weren't you at school today? It's okay if you dont tell me I'm just worried about you

Yams ! (♡◕ヮ◕):

Just please reply when you can :)

[Tuesday at 8:06am]

Yams ! (♡◕ヮ◕):

I hope your feeling well ❤:)

[Wednesday at 3:06pm]

Yams ! (♡◕ヮ◕):

I'm stopping by your house today if you don't mind I just want to see how you're doing :))

Guilt washes over her since she never replied to his messages and he was probably worried sick for her. She should've checked her phone just once to send one simple message.

Her mind goes back to last night and butterflies form in her stomach. They actually kissed.

And she initiated it!

She looks forward to seeing him today, and she should probably thank and apologize to him.
"Natsumi, Tamura's here!"
She shuts off her phone, sliding it into her back pocket.

They never walk together in the morning, and Tamura lives closer to the school so there's no point in coming to her house. Her legs take her to downstairs and her friend is waiting for her by the front door.
"Kami, you're going to school today!" She pulls her into a hug which Kawakami gets thrown off by, but she hugs back.
"Wait, are you sick?" The girl steps back and pulls out hand sanitizer from what almost seems like nowhere.
"N-No, I'm not sick. I'll tell you on the way there..." She forces a smile and walks past the confused girl.

One In A Thousand; Yamaguchi TadashiWhere stories live. Discover now