Eight - Sink or Swim

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"Wait, Leo..." Phoenix began to protest, but was ignored, he raced over to the quarterdeck, as fast as he could in his injured state, and waved Phoenix over with a wide grin. He sighed and walked over with Oliver, who patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Phoenix, the captain doesn't bite. As long as you leave him alone he'll probably leave you alone." He assured, Phoenix reluctantly let himself be led back to the quarter deck where Leo was waiting.

"Phoenix, this is our pilot, Sequoyah. Sequoyah, this is Phoenix." He introduced, the man looked up, he wore a leather hat quite like the one his father used to wear.

His black hair was halfway down his back and braided neatly, a feather tied into it. He wore clothes that Phoenix had only seen once before, when a man from a nearby tribe had visited the town to speak with the mayor about an alliance. Phoenix was only about five, but he remembered the dejected look on the man's face as he walked back home, and the fire that followed in the woods the next day. Now that he was thinking of it, he was sure it was near that tribe's living space, he remembered the generals speaking of an 'accident' with gun powder, the men didn't seem too sorry. He remembered his father riding into the woods to help at his mother's request, in the dark of night where no one in the town could see.

"Hello." The man spoke, snapping Phoenix out of his memories.

"Oh, uhm, hello." He said quietly, he held his hand out for him to shake, and Sequoyah stared at it for a moment before seemingly remembering something and shaking it.

"The captain has told me about you." He said, he had a clear accent, but Phoenix couldn't really place it, he'd never really heard it before.

"He- he has?" He asked, looking to the Captain, who was on the other side of the quarterdeck, talking with Alexander.

Sequoyah nodded. "He says you pray a lot."

Phoenix blushed. "Uh... yeah, I guess I do."

"Hmm." Sequoyah smiled timidly, "He also says you get cold easily."

Phoenix's face was now burning, he glared at the captain's back, remembering the first night they spoke. "Did he now?"

"Mhm." He nodded, staring ahead at the sea, he turned the helm slightly to the left. "I haven't seen you on deck before."

"Yeah, I uh, I mostly stay in the sick bay and help Adilah." He explained, Sequoyah smiled slightly at that.

"Ah, Adilah, I assume she made you come outside, then?" He asked, Phoenix nodded. "She's quite... how do I put this... Assertive."

"Indeed she is." Phoenix muttered, scratching at his arm, he hissed and pulled away quickly, the skin still stung when he touched it. Sequoyah turned and looked at the noise, his dark eyes landed on Phoenix's arm and he made a pensive face.

"You're hurt." He stated.

"I know, the uh... the redcoats..." He trailed off, and he saw Sequoyah's brows furrow.

"They are... cruel." He said. "May I look?"

Phoenix hesitated, but lifted his arm anyways, Sequoyah let go of the stern and held his arm gently as he inspected the burn, he frowned.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked, Phoenix nodded, even with Sequoyah holding his arm like it was made of paper was bringing a dull ache to the branding.

"Yeah, a little." He admitted.

"Tell Adilah to use some yellow spined thistle." He said, releasing Phoenix's arm. "My mother used to use it on my father's burns." He smiled. "He always used to drop ash on his arm while smudging, we used to joke that the spirits hated him."

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