Nine - The Blessings

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"Land ho!" Leo shouted, kicking Phoenix's bed, He groaned, and pulled the blanket over his head.

"Too early." He mumbled, Leo pulled his blanket away, and Phoenix sighed as he saw Adilah standing over his bed.

"C'mon, we'll be anchoring soon, you need to get ready." She urged.

"Ready?" He questioned.

"You're gonna help me gather supplies." She told him, tossing him his clothes. "Oliver washed these for you. Get dressed."

He whined to himself and slowly rolled onto the floor before standing up, he was wearing a pair of pyjamas Leo had leant him, and as thankful as he was, they really did not fit. He took his own clothes with a mumbled 'thanks' and got changed behind a curtained off area, when he was done, Oliver was waiting for him with a bowl of porridge.

"Here. We'll be off within the hour." He said, Phoenix thanked him, and Oliver left, giving Adilah a kiss on the forehead. They all let him eat in peace, and when thirty five minutes had passed, Oliver came back to get them.

"It's gonna be you, me, Adilah, Alexander, and the captain." Oliver told him. "Don't worry, I've already told him to ease up on you."

"Thank you, Oliver." He said, though his nerves still spiked at the mention of Nico Maheras. They walked towards the starboard rail, and Nico gave a subtle nod to Oliver as they boarded the dinghy.

As they reached the shore, surrounded by trees, the captain turned to them. "Alright, everyone knows what we're getting?"

"Bandages, herbs, thread, and new needles." Adilah said.

"Salt, spices, coal, and new tools for Leo." Oliver added.

"I'm with Oliver, and Phoenix is with Adilah." Alex finished, Nico nodded.

"And how are we paying?" He asked, Alexander raised his hand.

"Me." He said, Phoenix gave him a funny look as Nico gestured to him, Alexander placed his hands on the ground, and slowly, jewels and pieces of gold and silver rose to the surface, resting in the sand. Phoenix's jaw dropped as the precious items gleamed in the sunlight, Alexander fished them out of the sand and gave everyone a small handful, himself included.

"Alright, you all know what you're doing, keep away from trouble and we'll meet back here in an hour and a half." Nico dismissed, he was about to leave, but he caught sight of Phoenix's arm and stopped. "Oliver, give Phoenix your coat."

"I'm not cold." He protested, Nico raised an eyebrow.

"No? I'd say it's about the same temperature as it was a few weeks ago." He said airily, Phoenix turned red, and the captain gestured to his arm. "Any redcoat with working eyes will be able to see that brand, I presume you'd want to cover it."

Phoenix looked to himself and realised that the captain was right, his sleeve was ripped right above the mark, leaving it clear as day. "It wasn't a request, Kólasi, take someone's jacket."

"Fine." He sighed, and Oliver took his coat off, handing it to Phoenix, it didn't fit him all that well, but he didn't complain. "Thanks, Oliver."

"Right, everyone, off you go. Hour and a half." Nico reminded, there was a chorus of 'aye captain' and everyone walked off in pairs, save for Nico, who headed off on his own.

"What's the captain doing?" Phoenix asked, Adilah looked up briefly to where the captain was leaving, and shrugged.

"Don't know." She said simply. "This way."

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