An eventful evening

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My fiancé, Ren  had been decided since childhood. 

He was three years my senior in age. 

He was personable, tall, slim and he had striking features. 

I was very fond of him. 

But he was not happy with the engagement. 

He was extremely rebellious which caused the Kurosawa clan a lot of grief.

 He didn't hate me but perhaps he only saw me as a friend or even a sister. 

I did not press him for any further affection and forced my disappointment to the back of my mind. 

No one likes being rejected. 

But I am not so desperate as to murder the woman he loves. 

So I didn't understand why she was found dead in her bedroom stabbed with a dagger I received as a betrothal gift from Ren sama.

Alicia seemed asleep if one ignored the dagger and the blood oozing out of the chest .

I found my head pulsing as my body was slammed into the wall, Ren sama loomed over me, his eyes red with fury. 

I was still in a daze, my head was reeling from the effects of the not so romantic wall slam.

I was pried from the insane guy's clutches by Cedric's warm hands.

I was princess-carried into the next room away from the commotion. 

pic above : How it felt from Camellia's POV

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pic above : How it felt from Camellia's POV. 

After some hot cups of the fragrant jasmine tea and a ice to the side of my head, my grey cells came back to life.

If Alicia was stabbed, her peaceful expression seemed to not make any sense.

And why was my bethrothal dagger used, was I framed on purpose by someone who hated me or was I just a scapegoat for the real perpetrator.

The dagger had been in the room I was staying in.

Even though Alicia's room was on the first floor and could have been climbed into from the trees in the vicinity, all the windows had been locked from the inside.

Anyone who had to climb upstairs would have been seen by Ren and Cedric who had been chatting near the landing.

The building had no further floors and I was the only one who could have entered her room without the others noticing but I had been upstairs for but a few minutes.

The dagger obviously had my fingerprints so the perpetrator must have used gloves and not wiped the knife clean.

The crime scene had now been sealed and as a suspect I could not go freely to her room for further investigation.

The police had been interrogating me for hours  and I was tired.

I just wanted to go back home break off this engagement and spend my time dreaming of the red headed foreigner Ren was friends with.

 Ren had unceremoniously dumped my belongings at the police station which meant I had no place to stay even in the offchance I secured bail.

So I resigned to the cell they placed me in.

I was fortunate to not share it with anyone else so I huddled by the corner in fetal position to warm up myself.

Sleep rarely comes to me even in the tranquil comfy atmosphere back home. 

So it wasn't a surprise that I couldn't doze off in the frigid, cacophonic environment with a bleak, dismal future ahead of me as a possible convict.

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