A red haired messiah

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When I stepped out of the police station, it started snowing, the first snow for the year.

When I stepped out of the police station, it started snowing, the first snow for the year

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A legend states that people who watch the first snow together would fall in love.

But right now, I was worried about clearing my name and the snow seemed to only heighten the chill that ran down my spine.

My clothing was meager and my hands were numb.

I trudged down the road in look out for cheap inn to spend the night.

After asking a kind old man who sold dumplings in a dingy shop, I got instructions to the bed and breakfast nearby. 

The leers from the few vagabonds on the street made me shiver more.

 I hastened my footsteps when I heard a weird sound from behind.

 A black car pulled beside me on the sidewalk and a familiar red mop of hair popped out of the driver's seat.

Cedric was dressed in a purple and white pinstriped suit, bizarre sense of clothing that did nothing to mar his charisma.

"It wasn't me," I blurted, tears rolling down, I averted my gaze only to find a hand brushing my face. 

"I know and I don't want you being framed for it either," he replied.

" I know its improper, but I'd rather have you safe and sound at my place than in a sketchy inn."

I was apprehensive but the last 24 hours had me vulnerable to kindness.

As the adage goes, beggars can't be choosers, and my plight right now, it doesn't seem far off.

As the adage goes, beggars can't be choosers, and my plight right now, it doesn't seem far off

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I've never seen a man more attentive and considerate. The next few days I found myself fit right in.

" To belong somewhere" I thought something I I always wanted. 

Not at the Sakura clan household or Ren sama's mansion with Alicia.

But I didn't belong here, I reminded myself, I am just a guest.

I realised that he and I lived worlds apart but it did nothing to cool my feelings.

One evening Cedric returned looking extremely morose.

He looked at me and sighed.

He gestured to the settee implying that I take a seat and he took the armchair near the fireplace.

I waited with bated breath as he prodded the fireplace and sat down when he was satisfied with the results.

"Alicia was a foreigner so  things have been sluggish , besides its Christmas and all," he explained awkwardly rubbing his neck as his forehead creased with worry lines.

"Christmas" I hesitated at the word alien to my vocabulary, what was this Christmas thing.

Yes, its a pity too, you can't spend Christmas with family, not like I cared for those traditions, but I thought you may feel otherwise,"

"What is Christmas?," I finally asked.

He looked at me with a "you've got to be kidding me" expression.

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