Chapter Four:

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The only major difference between now and the passed weeks that Greta and I had been house sitting, is well one, Brahms is now not hiding away in the walls, and two, I now have a human bed warmer who enjoys watching me sleep.

"Brahms, I can feel you staring." I whispered while rubbing my hand down my face. I was currently laying on my back with my bed covers thrown all over the place. I was wearing a pare of shorts a large shirt for my pjs. Normally I would wear actual pajamas but unfortunately for me, my bed warmer doesn't have an off button.

"Hmm." was his only reply from my left. Peaking out of one of my eyes I saw him sitting up against the headboard awkwardly staring at me. This is a pretty normal occurrence now, if he woke up before me then he didn't leave the bed, he simply waits for me to wake up. I sighed loudly before throwing my arms down; I wasn't ready to wake up. My body clock is all different kinds of messed up lately. At night I stay up with Brahms since he struggles to fall asleep, and then when I do fall asleep I only get a few hours before he's right up again and I think it's his staring that wakes me up.

"We talked about this." I said while looking over at him this time; he wasn't looking at me now, instead he was staring at my bare legs. I still haven't seen his face, but I'm slowly starting to learn his emotions and attitude changes. I reached down and pulled the cover up over my legs before pushing myself up and closer to his body.

"Brahms." I snapped my fingers in front of his face regaining his focus before he stared back into my eyes.

"Hmm?" was his only reply before he reached up and crested my face tenderly. It's kind of scary how easily we get along and how comfortable we are together; it's truly strange. I stared into his eyes before sighing again.

"You were staring again." I whispered before looking down his chest; he was so big, he took up almost all of the room in this queen sized bed, it was close to impossible to not touch while sleeping. Though I couldn't image having it any other way; with him sleeping in here at least then I know he's not lurking in the walls watching me or plotting to kill me secretly.

Suddenly my face was redirected to look back up towards his. He had wrinkles around his eyes indicating that he was smiling or smirking.

"I'm not the only one apparently." he said teasingly making my cheeks flush. It's times like these that I wish he were just a normal guy; he's so sweet and quirky but at the same time he's just so dominate. He laughed loudly, it was a deep full laugh that completely caught me by surprise. It was the kind of laugh that had him closing his eyes no doubt smiling widely.

The thought of his smile hung in my mind, and suddenly before I could even stop myself or comprehend what my arm was doing; I grasped hold of the chin of his mask. Immediately the simple happy atmosphere died, and I was somehow pinned onto my back in an instant. Brahms was straddling my waist while he hand one large hand holding my own two hands above my head and the other was around my neck.

Slowly I took in the position we were in before looking up at him terrified and apologetic. I hadn't meant to upset him by trying to take it off; I more or less guess I just wanted to see his carefree smile. His large hand grasped my neck tightly and before I could stop it a low moan left my lips startling both of us. Brahms pulled his hand away from my neck and instead placed it beside my head on the pillows.

I looked up at him while he glared down at me accusingly; I know that I should be embarrassed about the moan, but I was kind of thankful for my strange sexual taste, at least it was an icebreaker.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." I whispered while he continued to glare hatefully at my face; he struggled with communications for the most part so I wasn't really surprised when he didn't answer right away. "When you laughed I just really wanted to see your smile. That's all." I said honestly while wincing slightly as he squeezed my wrists together in his large hand. He watched the action before titling his head to the side; his eyes slid down my figure and landed on my chest. I blushed a deep crimson red because I knew exactly what he was staring at. My nipples were so hard that they actually ached, and I could only imagine how they would look poking through my thin pajama shirt. 

"You wanted to see my smile?" the concept seemed foreign to this man as his gaze shifted from my chest back up to my face confused. I nodded my head before I sucked in a breath because his free hand was suddenly tangled in my hair; he pulled hard to the right and seemed satisfied when my head moved in that direction and stayed there. I was breathing heavily and suddenly my wrists were free and his other hand now supported his weight as he loomed over me. Slowly he inched his face closer and my hands somehow found themselves on his shoulders, not pushing him away, or pulling him closer, they just rested there.

Heat was all I could feel as he shifted and pushed one of his knees between my legs. Brahms squeezed my hair and a little moan fell out of my lips again as I felt him continue moving closer to the now wide open space of the corner of my neck.

"Keep your eyes closed." he commanded as he shifted his knee closer up to my lady parts, this was a rush. Such a rush that I couldn't think of doing anything other than obeying. I felt another shift, before softish lips made contact with my skin.

I gasped loudly and squeezed his shoulders tightly; he had taken off his mask. I could feel his lips, they didn't feel normal, but at the same time they didn't feel wrong. I could also feel that he was fumbling around with his mouth; that he didn't quite know what he was doing and was just giving into his urges. He slid his lips down to the nook of my neck before I felt teeth, not soft love-bites, but rather actual bites. I groaned loudly in pain, but at the same time I loved the feeling. He gave me multiple chomps before I couldn't handle it anymore an rolled my hips against his thigh I felt his grip tighten in my hair and at this point I felt like he was going to pull it from my skull.

Brahms was breathing heavily, and I could feel that he was shuttering; he wasn't fumbling much anymore with the biting, but I could also feel that he put his other hand on my hip and was digging his nails in there. After a few more seconds of my soft moans and his shuttering breathes.

He pulled his face up away from my neck and moved seeming to want to kiss me; I could hear him breathing heavily, and at the last moment I opened my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw a scarred gruesome looking man who's face was absolutely riddled with burn marks. My body must have froze, or my breath hitched because Brahms eyes slowly opened only to look at me horrified. He looked like a deer caught in headlights as he stared on at my curious gaze. Time seemed to freeze in that second as we both stared at each other. 

"Brah-" before I could get his name out of my mouth he was up and off of me in seconds before his mask was plastered back on his face. He stood away from the bed looking like a caged beast. He was terrified. "Brahms?" My voice carried out with a questioning tone as I watched his chest heaving up and down.

"You bitch! I told you not to open your eyes!!" he roared loudly while pointing at me with one hand and slamming his other against the wall. I flinched at the sound and looked up at him with a softer expression. He was angry, but he was angry because he was embarrassed I could tell. "Now you think I'm a monster!" he screamed again seeming to be lost in some kind of trance. I watched him as he seemed to be having a full blown panic attack as well as a major fit of rage.

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