Chapter Two:

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Smacking my back against the white door I slowly slide down it until my butt touched the ground. I've really messed up this time. Here I am trying to be the hero only to get trapped in my own plan. Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought over what my sacrifice meant, it wasn't even worth it. I'm gonna die for nothing.

"I only bought them a few minutes at most." I whispered to myself before smacking my head back against the door repeatedly. God I'm the worst. Thinking over my best friend I looked up towards the ceiling and closed my eyes hoping that she got out and didn't do anything stupid.

I sat there for what felt like forever until I heard soft footsteps outside of the door. My body went into overdrive as I pushed my ear against the wood to listen better; these didn't sound like the heavy thudding of a man's step. Taking a leap of faith I pounded on the door once before calling out to whoever it was, because if it was who I thought it was I'm going to kill her. 

"Greta!?" I called out hoping with my entire being that my friend wasn't stupid enough to come back for me.

"I'm here! Alice I'm here!" she called right back and started jiggling the door handle trying to open the locked door. Rage filled my insides, but I couldn't do anything other than give a heartbroken chuckle.

"It's no use, the door is locked and there's no other way out." I said evenly while pushing my forehead against the wood. "Just go Greta, save yourself."

I heard her suck in a breath and a strangled cry left her lips before she started sounding even more desperate while ripping at the door. "I'm here Alice, I can save you!" she cried loudly continuing to rip at the door aggressively. The fact that she's here must mean that Malcolm was killed. I swallowed my own cry before shaking my head and ridding myself of my own thoughts.

"Leave Greta." I said firmly pulling my face away from the door when I heard her struggling even harder. She was drawing too much attention to herself, there was no doubt in my mind that Brahms already knew where she was if he wasn't already watching her.

"No! I can do this." she declared while continuing to fumble with the door. Her stubbornness wasn't needed right now; if she didn't leave she was going to die. I didn't do this just for her to come back in and get killed anyway!

"God dammit Greta, leave!" I roared loudly before slamming both hands against the door scaring her. I knew I scared her because she immediately went quiet. I sighed out before sliding my hand under the door, I felt her fingers against mine a second later and I heard her choke on a sob.

"You need to leave, forget about me." I said a little softer. "It's time for you to listen to me for once, and save yourself." before I could say anything else I heard her gasp and immediately her hand was gone. Panic once again took hold of my being as I tried to listen carefully again; did he finally find her? Or is he just making his move now?

"Run Greta!" I called out not knowing what was happening out there.

"It's time for bed Brahms." I heard her voice waft in from the hall causing my heart rate to skyrocket. Before anything else there was a thudding noise before something crumpled to the ground. A scream left my mouth before I covered it; almost immediately I dropped down and looked under the door only to see my best friend's bloodied face. She laid there with her eyes closed with a large wound on her head. Sucking in a breath at the sight I pulled away and scurried away from the door before leaning back against the nearby wall. I covered my face while trying to breathe steadily. Now that they were out of the picture all that was left was me.

I'm alone now. Right as that thought drifted through my mind, the sound of the door handle being unlocked caught my attention. I wasn't about to give him what he wants, perhaps he likes the cat and mouse game and that's why he simply locked me away while continuing his pursue of my friends. No, instead I'll meet my fate head on.

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