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Pallu stood on the side of the mountain, eyes straining in the dark as she looked down at a small mansion. Alright. I'm here. Pallu sent Rumah a mental picture of the area, a trick they had practiced for months. They were totally open to one another so much so that they felt as if they were in two places at once: Rumah on the mountain with Pallu and Pallu in the room with Ner, Nimshi, Vinit, and Yunin. Pallu could hear Rumah telling Ner what she "saw" and when Ner sighed.

Pallu had left her group of men and women "mind trickers" behind, so she could act as scout. Get us a closer look, Lu. Her feet moved her silently down the mountain. Finally, she neared the estate enough to stop and assess the area and allow Rumah to "see" where Pallu was. It was difficult for them to do more than one thing at a time when they were open to each other, so when Pallu moved closer she broke off that intimate contact.

Where do I go?

Rumah told Ner what she saw and then repeated what the queen said, There are some bushes ta the right. She says they wall in a garden an' if ya follow 'em 'round they'll lead ya ta the back o' the buildin'. Servants' quarters.

Short version, Ru.

Other side o' the house. Top story.

Alright. Hold on. Pallu could feel the anxiety in Rumah keenly. No worries, Ru.

Be careful. Yunin's pacin' himself ta death.

Mentally Pallu laughed but did nothing outwardly other than smirk. Her feet took her quietly around the home. She would not chance getting close as the place made her skin tingle in warning. When she made her way to the other side of the home, she looked up and down the wall. Perhaps she could climb it. The vine growing on the stone looked vaguely familiar. She asked Rumah if she had seen it before.

Don't touch it! It'll kill ya. Trappers' Vine that is.

Must not be in the queen's memory of the place, she said ruefully.

Probably new. I've seen it used on walls people don't want thieves ta climb. Or under daughter's windows. But a smaller less harmful version.

Well, Master Thief. How'm I going to look in? Oh, wait. Someone's moving in there. Pallu put her distance looking tube to her eye and saw an old man in sleeping robes in the room. He was standing with his back to her and then turned to the side to reveal that he was reading a rather large book. A globe of light floated above his head to light his reading.

How interesting, Pallu thought to herself. She had often done such a trick with candles but this man had the light of ten candles above his head without the candles.

She focused her tube, and his face became somewhat clearer. After several seconds of watching, he did something she had not expected. His head cocked to the side as if listening and then shut the tome, and the light disappeared. She saw him move to the window and look directly at her without really seeing her.

What's happenin', Lu?

Here's what he looks like. I think he's onto me. I don't know how, but it's like he knows I'm here. He's opening the window. Light's in his hand. Oh, no.

Pallu knew this would entail her first fight against mages, but she did not think it would happen on the first night here. She hid away her looking tube.

What's goin' on? You're scarin' me.

He's a mage. I can't talk. Don't talk to me right now. She sighed as a small stream of flame flew to the tree limbs above her. With her cloak close about her, she scurried like a shadow away from the light. Her blood was coursing through her like a raging river. With this adrenaline rush that usually accompanied her sword fights, her sense of hearing and sight became very acute. She could nearly see him smirk and say, "There you are." His hand lifted to point at her, and she felt herself go rigid as if held in place. Her eyes widened.

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