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Rumah's legs bobbed up and down rapidly. Ner put a hand on her knee. "Relax, dear. She's fine. You've spoken with her yourself."

"Aye, but that was yesterday."

"She has to sleep, Rumah. You said yourself she sounded exhausted."

A knock forced the two to go silent. "Yes?" inquired the queen.

A page bowed as he entered and closed the door. "Guests, your Majesty."

"Send them in."

He bowed and left. A few seconds after he departed, Vinit stepped through the door. He bowed and was followed by the rest of the group. Rumah flew to embrace Pallu.

"She's been worrying herself sick," the queen laughed.

"I've been having headaches. So I tried not to do anything all day." Pallu hugged Rumah and then dropped to one knee before the queen. "My queen, I brought you something. I hope it's of value." She held up the book.

The queen took the item and leafed through it. Her eyes went to Nimshi. "Is this..."

"Yes, milady."

Ner embraced Pallu so heartily the duchess could barely breathe. "You have brought me a mighty gift, Pallu. This is the Anrecu."

Cre covered Namor's ears. "Please, there are children. Your Majesty."

All but Nimshi gawked at the queen. "But it was lost," Yunin protested.

"So we thought. But it appears we were wrong."

Nimshi opened the door and motioned for the page. "Cre, the page will show you to your rooms."

The page bowed to Nimshi's request. "Yes, Master Nimshi. Right this way please." Cre verily pushed Nomar out the door.

The moment the door was closed Nimshi guided Ner to a chair. "You realize the implications."

She looked to Nimshi. "I do."


He gave Pallu a stern look to quiet her.

"Don't look at me that way. We went without knowing what to expect. We knew there would be mages. We were prepared for that. Tell me you didn't know how strong that man was."

Ner's eyes doubled. "Of course we didn't. We thought they were dead. We didn't even know they were mages."

"Well, who are they?" Rumah moved beside Pallu. "An' why 'they'? Pallu only saw one man."

Ner smirked ruefully. "Did she? She fought one man in his night clothes and then at dawn. She said he was clothed in travel clothes, and he must have been there before her to kill the others..."

"Not more twins," Yunin moaned.

"Oh yes," Nimshi replied. "And not just any but the king's advisors."

The three young people's brows furrowed. Rumah put one hand on her hip and then looked to the ceiling. "Ya're fer tellin' us that they're twins. And mages. And mind trickers. And they've 'ad that really ol' book that's the most complete magic book e'er written."

Pallu's heart went into her throat when Nimshi nodded. "What did I do?"

Ner's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"I've started it. If that book is what you say it is...I mean they killed five people and came into a village and preformed magic to get it back. I've never heard of mages doing that except in the Divided Wars." Pallu put a hand to steady herself. "I've started it. They're going to come for it. And everyone's going to think I'm a mage too. Cre already does. And...I've compromised everyone. All the masters..."

Ner put the book down, stood, and cupped Pallu's head in her hands. "You've done no such thing. You've given us an advantage. One we've been in desperate need of. And as for your dramatic display which I am still somewhat confused about...well, leave that to me."

"Aye, she's right, Lu. Ya did what ya 'ad ta survive. Even wit'out 'em ball tricks ya'd still been doin' the mind tricks. And how do ya think people'd see 'em."

Yunin tilted his head to the queen. "If I may. Whenever I was in trouble with my mother, the surest way to be in less trouble would be to come clean."

"But if she admits that she has telekinetics under her and in fact is one herself," began Nimshi, "then the people would try to usurp her."

"But if you don't and try to cover up what at least one hundred people saw in broad daylight, they will not trust her in the long run after they find out the truth."

Vinit nodded. "The lad's right."

Everyone looked to Vinit as it was the first time he had spoken since greeting the queen.

"Suppose the mages come out with it, and we lie about their existence. The people will think her Majesty doesn't know what's happening in her kingdom. The threat is very real to the people. If we come forward and the story of Pallu's protection of the village and Namor is told, it could create sympathy for us."

"Aye, 'em mages've ne'er been known fer protectin' the people. If the people know they're ta be lookin' out fer 'em mages no doubt...makes it harder fer 'em ta hide."

"We would just need to prove that we are not going to harm but in fact protect the people," added Yunin. "There must be more proof than Pallu."

Ner put up her hand. "We can't make any decisions without the majority of the masters present. Especially about coming forward." She began to pace with her head in her hand. "It is a very interesting proposition."

All were silent as the queen continued to pace and think. Finally she looked to Nimshi. "What say you, Nimshi?"

"I say that it is a gamble. A large one. The hostility toward magic is strong. They equate us with magic. If we could prove to them that we are not magical...it could work. But prejudices take a moment to instill and generations to wipe away. We don't have that long. The logic is sound on both accounts. You can't appear to not know the happenings within your boarders and even without. And you can't lose the trust of the people. As for the masters. Some would welcome abolishing the secrecy. Others...are, shall we say, not so quick to accept such a change. It could shake the foundations of the kingdom. No matter the decision. You know they mean to take the crown."

She nodded. "I know."

"Our hope is with the young people," put in Vinit. "They are the least resistant to change and new radical ideas."

Yunin nodded his agreement. "And if there is war, they are the ones to fight it."

"But the old run it," Pallu countered. "We may be the bodies, but they hold the rank."

The queen smiled. "There are ways around it. But enough deliberating. We can do nothing tonight. Get rested. You've all had a long journey. Pallu, Rumah, I'll expect you to show me what you two worked out. The ball trick? Is that what you call it?"

"Aye, me Lady."

"You will show me how you did it in the morning. Provided you have no more headaches, Pallu."

She tilted her head in acknowledgment.

"That is all. Sleep well." They all bowed to the queen and existed when the queen added, "Master Nimshi, I need to speak with you."

"Of course, milady." Nimshi kissed the girls goodnight and closed the door behind them.

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