Chapter 27

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I tried my best to stay still. But truth be told, it wasn't that hard.

My body automatically froze. However, I tried my best to kiss back and look willing.

It felt wrong. All of this was simply wrong.

I slowly pulled away and plastered on a small smile as I looked away with a bat of my eyelashes, trying to make it appear as if I was affected by the kiss.

"Oh Marcus," I sighed and Marcus gave me a grin as he tightened his hold on my waist.

"You should go home. Rest and perhaps get your cheek taken care of," he said and I frowned.

"But there's work that has to be done," I insisted. However I truly wouldn't mind leaving.

"No. Go rest. There's a big party coming up and I need your pretty little face," Marcus smiled and I tilted my head.

A party?

"Oh," I said in curiosity, "-and what party might this be?" I asked and Marcus' grin widened.

"Its more like a celebration," he explained, "-or well, an anniversary. Williams industries four years in making, to be more accurate."

I looked away in thought when he said that. It was amazing how it had been already four years since he and the rest murdered my parents.

"Oh really? That sounds quite lovely," I said and then inched a little closer.

"When exactly is this celebration?" I asked.

"Even better. We've decided to have it on New Years. A double celebration," Marcus smiled and I gave him one of mine in return.

However I was slightly startled by how quick the year had come to an end. However because the year was coming to an end, it didn't mean the revenge was.

"I'll be there. I should get going now. You've got some things to sort out," I drawled out as I glanced around his now, destroyed office.

Marcus also glanced around and hissed in anger, suddenly remembering Mr Sanders refusal.

"Right," he grunted.

With that, I turned around to leave. I was anxious to go and find Alexander and Quinton, to tell them of Marcus' reaction.

Making my way out of the office and out of the building, I covered the small cut on my cheek by untying my hair.

When I found my car, I opened the door and slid in. However, before I could start the car, my phone vibrated uncontrollably in my handbag, that was left on the passengers seat.

Unzipping the nude coloured handbag, I pulled out my phone and I was greeted by an unknown number.

After a few seconds of uncertainty, I finally picked up and placed it on my ear.

"Yes?" I said and heard heavy breathing on the other line.

"Hello? Victoria? Its me, Kevin," a man said and I frowned.

"You know..." he trailed off, "-the one who wanted to kill you," he chuckled and I grimaced.

"What a lovely memory," I said with a tight smile, even if he couldn't see me, "-How did you get my number?" I said cutting to the chase.

Kevin noticed and sighed on the other side of the line.

"Catelyn had to give me something to track you down with," Kevin said and I leaned back in my seat, getting comfortable.


"Anyway," Kevin said in a hurry, "-that's not the reason I called. I found something. And I took it," Kevin said and I raised an eyebrow.

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