Chapter 28

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The TV's screen was completely blank for a few seconds. Then, female giggling was heard as a blurry figure appeared.

Hands reached out to the camera and adjusted the lens, as the blurry figure finally came into focus.

I held my breath as Catelyn appeared, swaying from left to right.

"Its on!"  Catelyn said with a wide smile as she moved back.

Marcus and Max also came into view, both held beer bottles and laughed loudly. It was clear they were drunk.

I also couldn't help but frown as they looked so different. Four years ago different.

My frown deepened as I eyed their clothing in the camera footage.

Surely that wasn't what they were wearing when they murdered my parents. However from my memory it sure as hell  seemed like it.

But then again I could be wrong. It was after all, four years ago.

"Catelyn," Max breathed out as he went up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Catelyn," Marcus said in a firm voice, even if he was drunk, "-this is stupid. This better get deleted after," Marcus slurred.

Catelyn faced her back to the men and looked at the camera with a little sly smile.

"Oh don't worry," she giggled, "-it will."

Catelyn then spun around, and picked up a tall glass from a nearby table. She went over to Marcus and Max with long strides.

"So, what are we celebrating too?" She giggled as she raised her glass in the air. Max glanced at Marcus as Marcus glanced at him, each with large smirks.

"We," Max said with a pause, "-are celebrating to the upcoming wealth and power that we are going to gain," Max paused as he tapped his glassed beer bottle against Catelyn's cup, "-from this point on."

Catelyn tilted her head with a small smile. For some reason, she didn't seem so drunk.

What had she done?

"And how is that Max?"  Catelyn questioned gazing into her glass as Marcus downed his beer with a laugh.

"We actually murdered them," Marcus laughed in disbelief, "-and the gig at the bank the other week!? Priceless!" he laughed and Max joined in. However Catelyn remained silent.

This video must've been kept on purpose...perhaps a back up plan?

I watched the screen as Max slowly stopped laughing and frowned in confusion, in his drunken state.

"Wait, won't someone know it was us who killed the Peterson's? That we robbed them?" Max scratched his head and Marcus rolled his eyes.

My heartbeat picked up as I watched nervously.

"Max we're all drunk yet just one of our brains seem to be working," Marcus murmured, "-we planned it and went through with it. The Jonson twins are the believed criminals, and," Marcus pressed as he slammed his beer bottle onto the table, "-It stays like that."

Marcus seemed to sober up as he sighed and grunted. Glancing around, His eyes paused on the camera and he then squinted his eyes.

"Catelyn!" Marcus hissed at her, "-is that thing still on? Get rid of it now!" Marcus scowled and Catelyn stood up with a tight smile.

'It's off," She shrugged.

She then walked over to the camera. Her body came closer and in seconds the screen was back to absolute blackness.

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