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The first time Zelda went to Gerudo Town since the calamity, it was to mourn Urbosa. Of all the things that had to happen in the process of rebuilding Hyrule, she was not surprised this was one of them. Though the wounds of the past had faded for many, to her there was no possible way to even begin the kingdom's recovery without paying respect to those who had lost their lives defending it. To Zelda, there was an unfathomable need to bury the past. It was just the way it had to be.

And yet, standing in the hot desert sands, with Link trailing at her heels, something stopped her at the gates of Gerudo Town. It seemed almost impossible for the young woman to take another step inside. She'd never quite had this issue when they had visited Rito Village or Goron City. Even visiting Mipha's family in Zora's Domain wasn't as difficult as standing here in the baking sun, trying to will her feet to move. She almost preferred the way the golden afternoon heat blistered against her skin.

"Are you alright?" Link asked, as she stood there, unable to move.

Zelda looked back at him in his disguise. "I don't know."

"Take as long as you need," he said.

Zelda began to take a step forward, forcing the smile upon her face, but he gripped her arm and shook his head. "Remember our deal."

In truth, as soon as Link said that, she was alright to go again, but she stopped, just as Link asked. Zelda knew why he was doing this, and it was enough to make her obey. It all had to do with the promises kept between the two of them.

In the moments after Ganon had been defeated things had been easy, until they weren't. There was so much to do, a whole kingdom to deal with, and a new world to live in. Before they decided what needed to be done to begin restoring Hyrule, though, the both of them had made a pact. There would be no secrets, no keeping in the emotions. They couldn't afford to. Not after after everything that happened.

Through their initial searches of the castle's rubble, Link had shown Zelda her father's diary which he had found in his fights with Ganon. It had been a moment of deep despair for the young woman to realize the king's thoughts about her and her training. Zelda had long since regretted not sharing her true feelings before the calamity, and not having the relationship with her father that she wished was there. He was gone, and she couldn't tell him how much she loved him. She wondered if he regretted everything, and if he did she wished she could wrap him in her arms and tell him not to. He did what he could.

Now, all Zelda felt was alone, in what to her was almost a strange new land, with only Link to help guide her through the changes of the last hundred years. Some Hylians barely seemed to recognize her as the princess, and for some, the whole idea of the calamity was a fairytale, something set long in the past and irrelevant to everything today. She had discovered, that despite the work of many who survived the calamity, much of the past had disappeared. And sometimes, she wondered if she was a relic who had gone with it.

"Come on Link," she said, refusing to dwell, "we need to start before Gerudo shuts down."

He nodded. "Alright, but if it gets hard, let me know okay? We can take a moment outside."

Zelda smiled a sad smile. "Are you ready to honor the last champion?"

The both of them were allowed to pass with ease by the guards. Link held a strange helmet which he had told her was the thunder helm, a precious artifact of the Gerudo people. It seemed to attract people's attention as the two of them walked through the central square. Something in her felt relief at the fact that people more readily recognized him rather than her. The anonymity felt almost relieving, but she knew it wouldn't stay long. Whispers of her return had already spread across Hyrule from their visits to the other races. The two guards outside of the chief's chamber glanced at them as they finished ascending the steps of the main square.

"We're here to return this," he said and they gave him a slight nod, gazing at her with suspicion. "She's with me. We also have business with the chief."

Zelda took a deep breath in as they entered the decadent hall of the chief. It had been a century since she stood in this place, and yet it was the same. It felt as if the sun bloomed in her chest. Despite having already seen what had remained static about other domains, there was something welcoming about seeing Gerudo Town remaining the same. A little piece of home.

Ever since Zelda had seen the state of her bedroom and study, with her bed and paintings destroyed in the former and flowers growing throughout the latter, she'd been looking for something, anything that resembled home. Since all bets were off in the former places they'd visited, she thought that the feeling of ease and comfort she felt now was a pleasant surprise, like the sun shining after a nasty bit of rain.

"Welcome," said a bored looking woman who sat in the chief's throne. "It's good to see you, Link. I see you brought company with you?"

Link smiled from under his veil. "Lady Riju, may I present to you the former princess of Hyrule, Zelda."

Next to Lady Riju, Bularia bowed. "Welcome, milady, we have been expecting your arrival."

"You know," said Riju yawning as she sat up, "you really shouldn't say former. The kingdom of Hyrule is still hers, after all."

"Well I don't—" Zelda began, but the Gerudo chief cut her off.

"I assume you no longer need that helm, as you carried it all the way back here finally?" Riju asked, pointing to the thunder helm that Link held.

Link nodded and handed the helmet to Bularia, who put it back on its pedestal. "We're also here for other business."

"I thought so," said Riju with a smile, "and I suppose this is why you brought your lady along with you."

Zelda began to blush. "I—"

Riju began to laugh. "Of all the secrets in Hyrule, this is not one. So tell me princess, what can we do for you?"

"Well, now that Ganon has been defeated, I was thinking we should celebrate the champions for their sacrifice. You know, honor their spirits and look forward to Hyrule anew?" Zelda said.

She looked down at the floor and wondered if the Gerudo would be up to it. So far the Zoras, Rito, and Gorons had each celebrated in their own ways. She'd seen everything from the quiet candlelight vigil for Mipha, to the booming sumo matches for Daruk. She'd even seen a massive archery tournament of the Rito, claiming it was the best way to honor skillful Revali. But Urbosa? She had no idea what the Gerudo would say.

Riju shook her head. "Worry not, princess. Bularia, give our answer to our lady."

"We've heard word of other ceremonies honoring the champions, so we've prepared for your arrival here," said Bularia.

"Just give us a few days, and we will celebrate for Lady Urbosa in the way that only the Gerudo can," Riju finished with a smile.

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