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Thorin Oakenshield had more than enough reason to despise elf kind. But he never shared the deepest one. He typically avoided the Woodland Realm at all costs, but at one point, he found himself needing to take a shortcut. He took the old elven road through the Greenwood. It was there that his hatred for elves, especially Thranduil, was cemented in unbreakable iron.

He heard footsteps ahead of him and drew his sword. He dismounted and proceeded softly to find the source of the disturbance when suddenly he heard the sound of a harsh intake of breath. Crying.

As he rounded a bend, he saw a woman's shape huddled on the ground, a worn and dirty green cloak drawn tightly around her shoulders. She looked up and saw him approaching.

"Please..." she whispered, her voice haggard with pain. "He threw us out. Have pity."

Thorin's expression softened. He lowered his sword. The son of Thrain was no stranger to losing a home. "What is your name?" he asked.

"I am Tahra. Once, I was the daughter of Thranduil."

That name sparked a flash of anger in Thorin's demeanor, but he caught the bitterness in her voice and waited for her to say more.

"I know who you are, Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. And I know you have good reason to hate my kind. Especially Thranduil. But he would not see me married to a lowly guard even if it was the man I loved. So he cast me and my unborn child out after killing my husband before my eyes."

The tears in her eyes were not from sorrow alone, but anger as well.

"It appears we have a common enemy, dear lady," Thorin said, sheathing his sword. "Thranduil, once an ally, abandoned my people in their time of need. Now the once-mighty kingdom of Erebor is reduced to traveling workers." He extended his hand to help her to her feet. "I am passing through here. I will take you to my village. There you will find safety and shelter to raise your child."

A part of him wished to have nothing to do with any family of Thranduil, but he wasn't made of stone. The sight of someone deprived of home and family was not one he could ignore.

Over the next several months, Tahra stayed with Thorin. They grew to be close friends. Tahra never tried to hide anything about her past from Thorin and neither ever had a reason not to trust the other.

Tahra's daughter was born two months too soon. The young elfling survived, but Tahra wasn't so lucky. She had been fading since Thorin found her and childbirth had taken too much of a toll on her already weakened state. The doctor didn't think she would survive the night.

She had but a few moments with her daughter before her heart gave out. Thorin had stayed by her side the whole time. She was his heart's sister, a kindred soul.

"You'll take care of her?" Tahra had asked.

"Of course," the Dwarf Prince promised. "As if she were my own."

"Thank you."

"What will you name her?"

"Could I give her a name from your line? I want her to be at home with you." Thorin nodded, tears stinging his eyes. "I will name her after your father, Thrain. She will be Thraya."

"Tahra..." The words died on Thorin's lips. "I...I won't fail her. I promise."

"I know...thank you, mellon nin."

Tahra pressed a kiss to Thraya's forehead. "I will meet you again, my daughter. In the life beyond." She turned to Thorin. "You have a good soul, Thorin. If you raise her to be half the person you are, she shall be an angel."

Thorin wasn't normally one for sentiment, but the kind words of the elleth brought tears to his eyes.

"I will do my best, Tahra. I promise."

"That..." she breathed. "That is good." She lifted her child and handed her to Thorin. "She is in very good hands."

Thorin cradled Thraya in one arm and set his other hand on Tahra's forehead. "Tahra..."

She let out a shallow breath. "I owe you a debt I can never repay, my friend."

"You owe me nothing. I was powerless when I lost my family and home, but I...I could help you."

"And for that, I am forever grateful. Goodbye, Muindor."

"Goodbye, namad," he said softly as she breathed her last. Very gently he closed Tahra's eyes and drew the blanket over her face.

Thraya let out a small cry.

"Oh, little one," Thorin said softly, adjusting her in his arms. "Don't worry. I've got you."

Mellon nin: My friend [Elvish]

Muindor: Brother [Elvish]

Namad: Sister [Khuzdul]

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