Chapter 11

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"Are you alright, Miss Thraya?"

Thraya jumped and nearly threw the book she was holding.

"I didn't mean to startle you," Lindir said with an apologetic bow.

"Damn you elves and your soft footsteps!" she muttered, flicking one of her braids behind her shoulder. "Yes, I'm fine. Why?"

"Well, you didn't show up for dinner and your father was worried. Elrond sent me to fetch you."

"I'd like to finish this book first," she said, keeping her voice decidedly composed. Thraya considered it a capital offense to interrupt someone who was reading.

"I'm sure you can take it with you," Lindir offered. "Your father requested your presence. You should really come."

Thraya sighed and snapped the book shut. Lindir visibly winced at her violent mannerisms and treatment of a book. "Well, now that you've mentioned food, I am hungry." She tucked the book under her arm and followed the ellon out of the library. They walked in silence all the way to the dining hall. Several times, Lindir had tried to make some form of conversation, but every time, the downright murderous look on her face stopped.

When they finally reached the dining hall, Thorin looked like he wanted nothing better than to shove his sword straight between the Elf-Lord's elegant eyebrows. Thraya gave him an amused smile and immediately his face softened.

"Thraya," Thorin said in a guardedly diplomatic tone. "I've been wondering where you were all day."

She shrugged. "I did some exploring, saw the healing halls and then spent most of the time in the library. Oh, adad, it's absolutely wonderful! So much ancient wisdom and lore, and I'm learning about Elven healing!"

Thorin couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

"Look," she opened her book and flipped to a page with diagrams of different herbs and which parts to use for different cures. "We know this plant as just a weed, but look at how much it can be used for! There's so much in here I never had any idea about! Also, there's a whole host of Elven chants that have incredible healing potency! And this is just one book! There are shelves full of information..." she trailed off, noticing her father's efforts to stifle his laughter. "What?"

"Nothing," he said quickly. "I'm just sometimes forcibly reminded that you aren't a full-grown elf. Your youth was just showing now and I found it refreshingly beautiful."

Thraya blushed. "Adad, I'm fifty-three."

Elrond chuckled. "By elven standards, you are still a child. It is good for you to allow yourself to be such every once in a while."

Thorin glared at the Elf-Lord, regrettably unable to disagree.

"Well, Lady Thraya," Elrond began with the air of changing the subject. "Over the course of your stay here, you are more than welcome to peruse all the knowledge on healing our library has to offer, or any subject for that matter. But that book you have with you now is probably the best option we have in manners of a guidebook. Please, take it with you. It may save more than one life in your hands."

Thraya's eyes positively shone. "Wait, really? You would allow me to take such a valuable text..."

Elrond smiled. "Absolutely. I trust you will use it well. Now, your father has asked that you be present for the discussion we will have after dinner. Most of the time, I would object to the presence of a child in the war room, not because I don't believe you will understand, but because no child needs the burden of such things. However, your father has insisted. And as this is not an actual war council and as you seem to be essential to his peace of mind, I will concede to his request, provided you are willing."

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