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Asman ran as the screams of his village rang through the air.

The day had been peaceful and calm, but as night came over the small town, it was overwhelmed by what was shockingly their own military.

Felias was one of the largest kingdoms to the south, and Asmans village was apart of that kingdom; so why was their own army slaughtering the citizens of Thamor?

Asman had been with his brother when the soldiers invaded. They were just beginning to turn in for the night as the first of the screams started.

His brother, Samdel, told him to run, but it took Asman seeing his brothers throat slit by a soldier for him to finally do so.

Asman had no time for tears as he focused on weaving away from either another dying friend clutching for his ankle, or a sword wielding guard member that was aiming to kill him.

He ran past all the houses that were lit aflame, no doubt in an effort to smoke all the people hiding in them out and into the blade awaiting them.

As he turned his head to look to his right, there was abruptly a sharp pain to his left shoulder. Asman hit the ground harshly on his hands and knees, the gravel from the road biting into his palms.

When he whipped his head back to look at what it was, he saw another soldier standing over him with a sword bloodied by likely Asman's blood.

The guards face was blank as he rose his blade again, focused at Asman's sweat and dirt caked throat.

Asman inhaled sharply and dodged the sword just as it came down, his and the guards face morphed into one of shock.

When the soldier gritted his teeth and lifted the sword once more, Asman took the chance to scramble to his feet and bolt back between the houses.

He had been raised in this village, so he knew that between Lady Camania and Glaverd the tailors houses, there was a gate to where the Lady had a small garden that branched off into the forest. Asman felt that the soldier was still following him just before Asman shot to the narrow space between the stucco coated homes, but seeing as the soldier was much bigger, Asman was able to slip through quickly and lose the man.

The gate to the garden slammed open as Asman flung himself into it, uncaring of the tiny wooden stick keeping it closed against the wind.

Asman did not glance back while he continued to sprint out and away from the village, barely dodging the trees in the dim light from his burning home.

His lungs ached from both the running and the smoke that he had inhaled while squeezing between the houses.

It was not until the village was no where to be seen that he finally stopped and fell to his knees.

He was alone, and lost. His brother was dead and his home gone.

Was there a point to running, or did he just walk into a slow and starved death instead of a quick and bloody one?

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