Chapter Twelve: Sight

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The Guard did not wait long to begin traveling once more.

Asman did not exactly know the time when they left, but he could assume that since the sun was lower in the sky, it was still morning.

His legs were still sore, so it felt nice sitting in the saddle finally with Niallen. He was not tied this time, but the man still put him in front so that Asman could hear him better.

With everything packed and the Guard on their horses, they set off back on the road towards Isadren.

The sun was shining, but there seemed to be a cooler breeze, so at least Asman would not be too warm today.

The forest was lively, with the birds and frogs singing and the flora flush and green. The storm had given everything a boost of life that perked it all up; but Asman was almost uncomfortable at all the life. He ignored the feeling for now, not wanting a repeat of the other night, and instead listened as Niallen began his explanation.

"How much do you know about magic, Asman?"

Asman hummed as he settled back against the man and his fingers found Berrys mane, where there were still six little braids hanging delicately by blades of grass.

"Nothing useful I am afraid. We were taught that magic was the work of Vanien and that if we saw anybody use it to tell an adult. Though, I do not think anybody in Thamor actually had any magic." Asman shrugged, his eyes flitting around casually to stare at the view the road provided.

"I do not know much about the Feliasian God, only enough to know that in my opinion his followers stance on magic is often misguided through ignorance." Niallen sighed gently and Asman felt it ruffle his hair. "People who truly know magic or use it could tell just how beautiful and useful it can be.

"There are many types of magic, but there are those that are more common; such as Ritual or Moon Magic. Queen Kelnua has Natural Magic, the kind that draws from nature and the magic that is always in the air. She does not use it much, only to keep in contact with us and sometimes for political issues." Niallen spoke gently, and Asman could tell that he had brought Berry further up from the rest of the group. "Teran's Water Magic is similar and the same amount of common as Natural Magic. Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and Metallurgy Magic all fall under the title of Elemental. They are the least rare and the users do not often become that strong. Teran has exceptional strength, but he could never overthrow nature, those are the rules with all Elemental Mages."

Asman hummed to show he was listening. This was was all very fascinating to him; the different types of magic that those can have and the way that somehow the users could not succeed past nature.

"The magic that includes the Moon or Sun is a little more complex and rare; those who use it have to devote their life to it. Though it is still common enough that almost every Guard has someone they know with it.

"Healing Magic is just another way of saying Life Magic, but those who practice it are normally few and far between due to the high demand for them. They often stay in the palace or go to the front lines, so there are not many." Niallen paused briefly and collected his thoughts. "Death Mages and Shadow Mages are both the rarest to come by. With how dangerous their magic is at points, it is an unfortunate truth that the power could go to their head easily."

Asman frowned but kept silent, wishing to know whatever Niallen had to say as it would perhaps help with the conflict happening within his mind. His fingers wrapped idly around a lock of Berrys mane, listening carefully while Niallen made to continue.

"From what I have learned in the past, Shadow Magic is a difficult magic to control; the light and dark do not always listen, and sometimes they listen too well and the user has issues retreating from the shadows. The Mage could get stuck in a shadow and once it disappears in the sun, then the Mage does too." Niallen took a deep breath. "My sister had Shadow Magic. She... got distracted during a battle and could not see that the sun was rising."

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