Chapter Ten

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"It all started when my wife and I got pregnant with our last kid. We wanted a girl since we already had five boys, but we were just happy to have a healthy child, no matter the gender," Stefano started the story. He sounded happy to be talking about his wife.

"You loved her very much, didn't you?" Annabella asked when he paused to reflect on the past.

"Yes I did. I loved more than anything in this world. We had decided to keep the gender a surprise, but we did find out we were having twins. We were elated. My wife was scared though because the triplets' birth had been a hard one. I told her it was fine and we would get through it together." He continued on. It was apparent to Annabella the love he held for his family.

"Adriano and Alessio helped their mom out with whatever they could, even if it was just tying her shoes."

Annabella looked over at the two men and saw that the both had a far away look in their glistening eyes. She was beginning to wonder what happened to their mom to cause this type of reaction.

"She went into labour three weeks early. The twins due date wasn't January 5th. We were worried about them, but knew deep down they would be alright. Hours passed and two beautiful babies were born on December 15th. A boy, and to our surprise, a girl. She was the princess of our family."

"Wait... I was born on the 15th of December..." Annabella said, finally connecting the dots.

"Yes, you are my twin Annabella. I have missed you." Armani says, finally speaking up with teary eyes as he looks toward his twin. Annabella was thoroughly shocked. She had learned that whatever life she had before was a lie, even if she didn't really remember it right at that moment.

"Then, why would you say I might not know you when I first woke up?" Annabella questioned Alessio, who she now knew as one of her six brothers.

"Well that's the thing, the story continues. It wasn't a happy ending until now. Hours after you guys were born, you were kidnapped from us Annabella. It broke our hearts and we did not give up hope and always kept searching for you." Stefano, or her dad says to her, jumping back into where he had left off with the story.

"Where's our mom then?" Annabella questioned. She knew she had hit a rough subject when it went deathly quiet.

"She passed away a year ago. I wish you could have met her." Adriano says, finally talking for the first time since he arrived.

"Oh, I am sorry that I brought it up." Annabella says sadly.

"It's fine, you deserve to know. After all she was your mother also."

It went quiet in the room again, yet this time it was not an awkward one. Annabella felt no need to fill the silence with words. She was comfortable, though she did feel like she was missing a huge part of the story.

"Well if you guys don't mind, I am going to take a nap. I'm tired." Annabella said into the silence about 10 minutes later. The boys all gave varying responses of agreement, saying that she needed her rest, and started to file out of the room.

Annabella's mind was overwhelmed. She had all this new information, along with a headache and not having her memories. She felt like an important part of herself was missing. She was going to try her hardest to get her memories back, no matter what she had to do. 

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