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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

With his knees pulled up to his chest, back prudently and tentatively pressed against the semi-smoother surface of the wall— Izuku sat on top of the hotel bed. Cheap, sandpaper-like bedding chafing and stroking his arms and legs as he constantly shifted his weight from one side to the other. Regardless of his somewhat alleviated mood, he was still rather guarded at the moment; yet for another reason than one would might think. After Kirishima had released him and Katsuki from the confinements of the tight spaced closet, the blond had excused himself outside— moments later Izuku had spotted a bug of sorts staggering across the floor.

Which in result ended with him on the bed and perpetually gazing around the room in search of his unwanted hotel guest over the course of the next few hours. Let that sink in . . .


"Small Fry, what the hell are you doing?" Katsuki asked, his voice flowing through the once quiet air around them.

"What does it look like I'm doing asshat?" Izuku snapped back, "There are bugs everywhere in this damn room, and I can't wait to get out of here!"

Drawing in a breath in between his teeth, the blond scratches the back of his neck whilst looking around. "Yeah about that . . . We're going to have to stay another night here,"

With a now hunched over posture, and pink lips stretched into a tightly pressed grimace, Izuku heaves a groan. Emerald orbs darting around nearly every inch of the filthy room he resided in, it was stomach-churning at the thought of having to endure sleeping here again— even if it was for just another night. 

Of all the hotel's we could have been stranded by. 

"Why another night?" Izuku whined, squealing when he saw black configurations move in the corner of his eye. "I would rather take my chances with the Coyotes!" He huffed, eyebrows pulled together as he continued to gaze around the perimeter.

Katsuki cleared his throat, an action he used to preclude himself from laughing at the younger male's childlike outbursts; to which he found to be annoying, yet amusing all at once. "They couldn't find any oil for the Jeep, so a few soldiers are coming down to help,"

"Of course they didn't find any oil," Izuku muttered, "Just our luck,"

The blond cautiously took off his boots, setting them aside on the dresser and hopping on the bed— crawling back into his spot from the previous night. "Well, I don't know about you but I'm going to sleep,"

Pinching his face into an expression of perplexity Izuku's eye scan the walls in search of a clock. "Shit," He breathed out, "Is it really that late, already?" nine-thirty to be exact.

A seemingly harmless hour of the night, nothing too serious as most people would still be up. However, seeing as though the green-haired male was sitting on that bed watching the room around him for nearly ten hours had become concerning to him. That's when he realized— 

"I need to eat,"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

In short, Katsuki ended up stealing some food from Kirishima and Sero that night, in spite of their pleading to giving the food back he didn't. So while they went to bed hungry that night . . . at least Izuku didn't have to. It was a rather sweet course of action in Katsuki's case, not that he'd ever admit what he had done to another living soul— he had a reputation to uphold. After Izuku had finished eating Shoto had come back to the room shortly after, without uttering a single word to anyone he crawled into bed and went to sleep.

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